Sunday, February 6, 2022

Power Man & Iron Fist and The Creeper


I've always loved The Creeper. A tabloid TV host with a healing factor that dresses in one of comics' most outlandish outfits for crimefighting while feigning insanity to throw off his opponents just shouldn't work - but for me, it does!  It's too bad that he's probably impossible to bring to live action due to being such an oddity.  Still, watching James Gunn take on some of DC's obscure characters makes me think there might be a chance.  I wonder if he'd be interested in tackling Jack Ryder's alter ego?


  1. I doubt the Creeper actually shrank Cage and Fist. Not unless he's actually a Space Phantom from Immortus' Limbo using commensurate future technology!

    No, back in the day, this type of cover would purely have been symbolic. Dramatizing the metaphorical manipulation the Heroes for Hire would've been put through. Perhaps with the Creeper being mind-controlled by either Philip Masters or Jordan Weir.

    I now return you to your regularly-scheduled (and right-minded) reviewers.

  2. I'd opt for Jordan Weir, alias The Puppeteer (sometime-foe of GL Hal Jordan) as he has yet to debut as a villain of the Rossverse.

  3. I remember this from sn old justice league cover

  4. After seeing Creeper in B&B animated, it wouldn't be hard to see him live by a good production crew. So many fictional media 'specialists' have stretched the audience mind for possible better understandings of rare thinking styles used by the variety of heroes.
    This cover was a good laugh. Mind over muscle..., for a while. At the end, the Heroes will give a surprised Jack their bill for services rendered.
    Maybe put Creeper in DC Legends for better exposure. But don't refer to that same name being put in a European setting years ago. it stank.

  5. The Creeper is a long time fave of mine too. Some of Ditko's best work ever, and that's saying something.

  6. Nicely-done cover, Ross! Even with computer help, I don't envy you the task of drawing in all those string lines.

    Personally, with Vincent D'Onofrio returning as the Kingpin on Hawkeye and Charlie Cox's cameo in Spider-Man: No Way Home as a certain "very good lawyer," I'm hoping that Luke Cage and Danny Rand can soon get the character resolutions they need. The cancellation of their shows on Netflix came at a particularly bad time for them, and the other three series got their respective lead characters to a good point.

    (I'm one of those few who would like to see all of the Netflix shows re-folded into the MCU proper, as intactly as possible. Among other things, I'd love to see Jessica Jones have a conversation, on just about any topic, with Yelena Belova.)

    @Cary: Agreed; this cover is clearly a metaphorical representation of what's happening in the story inside. That probably happens here (to go meta for a bit) more often than most of us suspect, in a subtler sort of way.

  7. Thanks for noticing, Bob - this was a tricky one.

    Yes, this cover - like many - is metaphorical.

  8. Here's a sudden idea for a photo cover: Batman '89 and Roger Rabbit.

    Another: Tobey Maguire and Brendan Frasier as Spider-Man and George of the Jungle.

  9. Or, failing either one of those, Robert Conrad (as Jim West) and Wm. Shatner (as Jim Kirk) teaming up against the pre-incarnation of Khan Noonein Singh (Col. Vautrain, ex-CSA) in a time-travel epic entitled..."Wrath of the Retroactive Confederate."

  10. I'd like to see an ongoing team-up (like the Moon Knight / Elongated Man duo)between The Creeper and Jack Of Hearts. Two very different characters with wild looking outfits.

  11. I too love The Creeper. I’d love to see him in live action!

    How about Black Canary and Banshee versus Screaming Mimi and Angar The Screamer (or Tyroc from Legion of Superheroes)? “I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream… For Vengeance!”

  12. I think the only problem bringing the Creeper to live action is figuring out how to do his costume. Animated it works fine, but I can't envision how it can be done live.

  13. @Bill: I don't think Ross has ever done a group of super-voiced heroes; Black Canary, Tyroc, Banshee, and Syryn would make for a good starting lineup, if at least one non-Big Two hero can be added.

    @Wild Card: That depends on whether they decide to go with body paint or a body suit. Most cosplayers of the character opt for the latter, and there are ways to make it hard to tell where cloth ends and skin begins (as demonstrated as far back as The Wonderful Wizard of Oz).

  14. @Bob: I don't think there's any such character. As even Coach Boomer from SkY HIGH is no longer indie.

  15. How can I forget someone I've never heard of before?
