Friday, January 28, 2022

Jocasta and Red Tornado


Red Tornado has faced off against Ultron a couple of times before on the bog (Once with his team Robo Force in STF #202, and later with Robotman in STF #783), but it looks like the evil android finally got the upper hand - let's hope that Jocasta can sort things out. Jocasta and Reddy previously met in STF #3142...

I was happy to use a Red Tornado image from the incredibly talented Matt Haley.  I was fortunate enough to be able to pick up an original illustration by him several years back (originally used for a Wizard Magazine Article, I believe):


  1. Outstanding cover. Like the links to your past work.

  2. Horsefeathers, Hyram H.January 28, 2022 at 7:34 AM

    Hopefully you could pair Jocasta with just Platinum for the next part of the story. These girls need a chance to show their full worth.

    really? still need a robot test to sign in?

  3. @Horsefeathers. A brilliant idea!
    As for today's cover, maybe Jocasta needs to call in the full they can all put their heads together...

  4. She met the whole team. Just click on her Label in the Label section or right under the cover to see her other appearances on the blog.

  5. I can just hear Harrison Ford as Bladerunner Rick Deckard:

    "Nanites! Why did it have to be nanites?"

  6. It's unlike Reddy to lose his head around a beautiful woman. The guy really needs to pull himself together.

    But seriously, if not for Ultron's face on the backdrop, I'd suspect that someone else was behind this dismantling. The first time I heard the tern "nanites" was in an episode of ST:TNG, and that's who I first thought of; but even though this is clearly an Ultron story, Cmdr. Data's experience might be helpful here. If you add IG-88, you might even have the makings of a third incarnation of Robo-Force.

    @Films: That's what HHH was referring to when he said "just" Platinum; her encounter with the full MM team was way back in #194. And I too have a wish to see just the two fembots together.

    @Ross: Perhaps one of your upcoming 100-page specials can feature the Metal Men and the Avengers, teaming up each of the former with an appropriate Marvel hero: Platinum and Jocasta, Iron and Iron Man, Mercury and Quicksilver, etc. (I'm not sure about the other three, but offhand I'd lean toward Lead and Vision, Gold and Captain America, and Tin and Black Panther, each for rather obscure reasons.)

  7. I'd rather see Metal Men vs. The Elements of Doom.

  8. P.S.---how about DC's Black Racer vs. Marvel's Deathurge? Or are they just differently named sides of the same two-headed coin (a la Mr. Mxyzptlk & the Impossible Man)?

  9. um hey Ross i have a question....
    exactly what part of the cover of Primal Force #5 was done by Matt Haley????
    his name was not anywhere in the credits for that issue.....
    i just wondered.....
    another cool looking mash-up cover....

  10. He drew the cover:

  11. i stand corrected....
    Ross, you are the master....
    i was just going by the inside credit box which did not say any different artist as the cover artist.....

  12. Red Tornado is the most underappreciated Justice League member. After such character growth and development from 1968 to 198t there was The Tornado's Path arc and that is it. It's a shame.

  13. Unfortunately I can't see Jocasta's name without being reminded of P.D.Q. Bach's 'Oedipus Tex', with its character "Billie-Jo Casta, the Queen of the Rodeo"... :D

  14. @Anon@8:24: I'm mainly in agreement here. The character's potential has also been completely wasted in the Arrowverse. Properly realized, he'd make a delightful addition to Team Flash.

    @Simreeve: "You murdered your father; you married your mother -- you rascal! You're my kind of guy!" One of his better works. It has a kind of zaniness that could be duplicated here only with the original (horse-riding) Ghost Rider, Ambush Bug, and a French horn.
