Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Morbius


Buffy first encountered Morbius in STF #387, but it looks like this time they are on the same side. The Morbius movie has been delayed once again.  It's becoming a situation like New Mutants, where the film's release has been pushed back so much that audiences are either forgetting about it or questioning its quality.  I actually thought New Mutants was OK when it was finally available to view, so I will hold out some hope for Morbius.


  1. Great combo, Ross. Of course these two would get along well.

  2. It could be worse, Ross. 99% of the movie-going public might have only heard of Walter Pidgeon's "Morbius" from FORBIDDEN PLANET!

  3. Are you sure they're undead lizards, Buffy? They could be Carrionized clones of Curt Connors. Or, even worse, Serpent Men from the Hyborian Age!

    In Sunnydale, the frightening possibilities are endless.

  4. Somewhat like Cary, my first thought was, "Dr. Connors, what have you gotten yourself into now?"

    Given the situation with COVID, I think audiences will be a bit more understanding with delays than we were with New Mutants (which, I agree, was actually an OK movie; I'd give it a C+ overall). Plus, the studio was pretty clear about the reason for this delay: to avoid competing too directly with Spider-Man: No Way Home. Still, I think I would've put the premiere a week earlier, if you know what I mean.

  5. I also had fun watching New Mutants (I'd even up the grade Bob gave it to a B-). I think alot of the problem with comic book movies is expectations - I usually go to movies with no expectation, and then I am rarely disapointed.

  6. @Harry: A B- is fair. I was impressed enough with the cast that, when people ask who I'd want on an Exiles team, Anya Taylor-Joy is the second on my list (after Jamie Chung).

  7. I'll take "The New Mutants," at its worst, over "Eternals" at its best, any day.

  8. Sounds like you were starting to watch the Buffy series back at the time #387. Hope you were able to get into it -- it was one of my favorite series ever.

  9. I watched every episode, and checked out Angel as well.

  10. I'm probably one of the few people who doesn't regard the post-TV show finale comic books, from Dark Horse, as canonical "seasons." Not until and unless JW starts adapting some of those stories for the silver screen, the TV screen, or both!

    I mean, let's face it. The original Star Wars Expanded Universe initially had George Lucas' blessing as canonical! But, then he sold (out) to Marvel/Disney. So, now, they're just "legends."

  11. P.S.---how about (in honor of Stephen King's 75th birthday this coming September), Buffy helps her cousin Billy Summers take on the vampires of Salem's Lot?
