Sunday, January 9, 2022

Aquaman and Star Trek


After being so pleasantly surprised by Aquaman and really enjoying his Fast and Furious installment (best of the series in my opinion), I decided to give some other James Wan-Directed movies, and I am glad that I did.  I really enjoyed Insidious and The Conjuring films are some of the best haunted house movies I have ever seen.  Malignant was a bit violent for my tastes, but it was so off the walls bonkers and included an absolutely amazing chase sequence, so I couldn't turn my eyes away.  After all of that cinematic goodness, I can't wait to see what he gets up to in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.


  1. This is so - now what's the word I'm looking for? - cool. No, it's far beyond cool. What a cover! And what a set-up for a story!
    Gotta go and fire up my paratime jalopy. I think the timeline that has this issue for sale is about 42 timelines north of ours. I'll let you know if the actual story lives up to this work of art.

  2. Is this the Enterprise that briefly visited a water world in the second sequel of the reboot franchise?

  3. OR...a world where the air is like water and sea life swim in the atmosphere. Would that make this world's Arthur like an early Superman? Love the blue green effect.

  4. This cover is, as Dave said, beyond cool. It's so well done that it looks like it was originally drawn like this. And I'd be very interested in finding out more about the story it suggests. (The fact that these waters appear to be shark-invested probably plays a big role in the plot!)

    As for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, not only am I giving it a permanent pass, but I'm urging everyone else to do the same. In these days when someone in the entertainment business can be fired for "insensitive Tweets," keeping on a known, violent domestic abuser is, or should be, intolerable. Giving money to Warner Brothers for it is tantamount to enabling domestic abuse.

  5. @Bob, I'm assuming you liked the first Aquaman movie. For me, it was a huge disappointment. I'd been expecting an entertaining superhero movie. But, contrary to what the trailer had led me to believe, it was as exciting as watching paint dry underwater. So I shall certainly be giving the sequel a miss - but it won't be any hardship at all. But you make a good point about why people should avoid it.

  6. @Dave: Actually, I mostly liked the first Aquaman movie; I still got a creepy feeling any time She Who Must Not Be Named was on the screen. This was even before I knew of her violent tendencies. I'd be reluctant to watch it again, though I could be talked into it; I'm adamant about the sequel, though, for the above-stated reason.

  7. I can easily see this as being a sequel the animated ST episode "The Ambergris Element"

  8. Very well said, Mr. Bob! It still amazes me how much people are willing to ignore.

  9. @Anon & Tobor: I'm pleasantly reminded of the cover art that was done for a 1970's paperback edition of Philip Jose' Farmer's novel THE WIND WHALES OF ISHMAEL. Well done, Ross! :-)

  10. @Gordon D - A tip of the hat to you for remembering the ST Animated Series!

    My memory goes way back - I recall seeing that series when it first aired.

    And speaking of Wayback....

    The same guy who created "Stone Trek" (a Flintstones / Star Trek mashup) also tossed together a few ideas for other mashups. This cover reminds me of "Sea Trek", a sort of combination of ST and "Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea". Unlike his other mashup ideas, this one can only be seen via the Wayback Machine:

  11. @Richard: Does Wayback's owner/operator have any "Star Wars/Land of the Giants" mash-ups?
