Monday, December 6, 2021

The Powerpuff Girls and The Hulk


It seems like the ill-conceived live action Powerpuff Girls series is in some trouble.  A pilot was filmed, but rejected and sent to be reworked after backlash from those who had seen it.  Then Chloe Bennett, who was playing Blossom left the production altogether.  Will the CW still continue to pursue this project or take the hints that this just isn't going to work out?


  1. Ross are you kidding? CW - home of Star Girl, Supergirl, Nancy Drew?? Almost home to the new Green Arrow and Black Canary(s)?? It wasn't the fall that killed the beast, t'was Beauty!
    ( Hmmm... a giant friendly female King Kong? Give CW another year and they'll come up with the idea.)

  2. There was never a sequel to the live-action "Josie and the Pussycats" movie. So, I can well-believe that certain attempts at live-action versions of animated cartoon classics might be foredoomed.

    To put it another way: there are some things a wise man never attempts. Not even once! Like skydiving without a parachute, for instance. And a live-action series about the Powerpuff Girls evidently falls in the same category.

  3. On the other hand, I'd have tuned into the original PPG series if the Depatie-Freleng Hulk had guest-starred in an episode. Similar to how the Blue Falcon and Dynomutt once teamed up with Dexter of "Dexter's Lab!"

  4. "Mr. Mojo Risin'" was a line from a Doors song. For those who didn't know, it's also an anagram for the lead singer's name. Jim Morrison.

  5. Heyyy versions of animated cartoon classics ? Archie on Riverdale?? With Josie and the Pussycats?? Ya couldn't have overlooked these, could you??!?

  6. More like deliberately--and deservedly--ignoring them.

  7. While I also have serious doubts that a live-action Powerpuff Girls could work, I've been surprised before, such as by the reboots of Battlestar Galactica and Lost in Space. Granted, this is quite a bit further removed from either of those two, and will be a lot harder to pull off, but not impossible.

    Much easier to pull off would be this team-up in an actual story. I've never been much of a PPG fan (just from lack of interest; I plan to check it out some time, and probably will love it), but I have enough familiarity with it to know that throwing the Hulk into the mix would make for a smash hit (pun intended).

    Prepare for a resurgence of requests for Mojo vs. Mojo Jojo on Mogo... which, now that I think of it, might be a fun thing to actually do for next April 1. (That, or Mojo Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.)

  8. I'd rather see Mojo Jojo take on Monkey from DEXTER'S LABORATORY.

  9. @Anonymous: that's probably not among Ross' image captures.

  10. Horsefeathers in a saladDecember 7, 2021 at 2:01 AM

    I bet if Mojo met Grood neither would impress the other. Maybe if Detective Chimp were to help the girls?

  11. Ah! But, what if Grodd had a Red Lantern ring?

  12. @Anon: he could use it to grow giant-size and call himself...Groddzilla!

  13. Followed by the sequel: "Groddzilla vs. Tohosaurus?"

  14. Why not? Marvel doesn't have the licensing right to use Godzilla's name any more. So, just slightly ret-con the character's that of his employers!
