Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Thing and 4 Famous Co-Stars!


You know what I'm thankful for today?  All of the awesome visitors who make time to stop by and check out these covers.  I am especially thankful to those who leave comments and let me know what they think. 

I've had a few requests for a Thing-led poker night cover, and I finally got around to it here.  I had fun deciding who Ben Grimm might include.  He already had a poker buddy in Lando Calrissian from STF #1943, and back in my MTIO: The Lost Issues days he met Jonah Hex, Wildcat and Hellboy... I'd love to be a fly on the wall for this game.


  1. I would love to see the interaction among these characters. I always loved team up books, so I was always buying MTU, MTIO, DCP, and B&B. I personally appreciate your putting together these covers everyday. You bring out team ups and fights that would sell, stories that the comic publications should consider if they ever decide to do crossovers. On this Thanksgiving 2021, I wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. May your day, no matter how you spend it, be filled with fun and fellowship. May all of our bellies be full of turkey by the end of the day. Blessings to each of you.

  2. happy it up?? For poker night?? YA-HOOO!!! You're flushed with success! What a Club to be in!! Surrounded by all these Jokers!
    How about poker night with The Beyonder, Galactus, Thanos, and Dr. Manhattan? Hosted by Ben's sweet Aunt Petunia? That would be a FULL house.

  3. Horsefeathers with a full deck(?)November 25, 2021 at 8:05 AM

    Not a turkey in sight. Just the gang to help with a New Deal. Don't forget the Mask for Poker night.

  4. And thank you, Ross, for such clever cutting-and-pasting...or whatever they call the process, now, in this ever higher-tech age. Not only do you blend these images in a way that might seem effortless (though I'm sure it's not). But, the characters in your image captures do seem to complement each other. In established attitude, if nothing else.

    For instance, Hellboy and Ben would get along at a poker game because they both love to smoke cigars. While Jonah and Lando (who probably met during one of Hex's space-and-time travels) would amiably try to drink each other under the table! Wildcat, being the competitive ex-boxer that he is, would probably drink and smoke in moderation so he could be in a better frame of mind for strategizing what cards to obtain to beat the other four. :-)

    In conclusion, then, let me be the fourth to wish you and yours...Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. For me, this is oddly fitting for Thanksgiving. As I was growing up, the men in my family (and sometimes one or two women) would retreat at every holiday gathering for a poker game.

    I really don't doubt that this would become a classic issue of the comic, even with no supervillain involvement... though I'm sure the Royal Flush Gang or the Joker could try to crash the party. Barring that, I think the only likely violence would be when Lando is caught cheating, and Ben and Hellboy one-punch him into unconsciousness.

    Meanwhile, out here in the real world, I extend wishes for a pleasant Thanksgiving to all of you here. May your attitude of gratitude be free of platitude, for an aptitude of amplitude!

  6. What about Jonah Hex or J. Jonah Jameson vs. Tobias Whale?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Hmmmm! If Tobias Whale was a member of Intergang, he might finally have weapons advanced enough to challenge even Jo Nah of the LSH!!

  9. An even more interesting question: if there was a sequel, where Batman joined the game, would it be entitled "Poker Knight?"

  10. More importantly, if this were a bowling tournament, which of them would be most likely to get a "turkey"?*

    *Slang term for three strikes in a row. ;-)
