Sunday, November 7, 2021

Teen Titans and Professor X


Presenting Part One of a Two-Part Epic!  Make sure you come back tomorrow to see the exciting conclusion! You can probably guess where it's going.

Tom Mandrake inked over Sal Buscema's pencils on this Professor X Image.  He would later move on to full art chores where his signature style really got a chance to flourish.  I was lucky to pick up a sketch by him many years ago: 


  1. My first reaction (ok, still not caffeinated enough) was a slightly befuddled "Fine,but where is the other half?"
    The effect was doubtless aided by your seamless image combination -but the two halves of this just fit together as if they ALWAYS have (well at least since the Silver Age).
    Is there a parallel reality that we used to be part of we now can only dim recall? Do you have a pipeline to it? I think we need to know!

  2. My first guess in answer to your (hopefully not rhetorical) question would be: "Zandia!"

    Seriously, though: I almost envy the number of image captures you have from what I (unapologetically) love to call the Early and Late Silver Ages. It gives armchair students of pop-culture a look back into the history of this medium and allows them to discuss the pros and cons of ethno-gender-centric diversification based on "political correctness."

    All hale the University of Ross!

  3. Uhhhhhhhm! What he said. Only not as long-winded.

  4. Whoa! That's is AWESOME!
    Love it!

    I'm blanking on the guys name; but there was a Titans storyline where they gave up their powers and costumes and followed a guy who seemed like a one off of Xavier...

    Mayhap, that is the key to the titanic conclusion...?

  5. This cover is excellent in all the ways that Dave said. Plus, having the text slanted at the same angle as the picture is a good touch.

    If I may be allowed a bit of blatant overthinking, though, I'd wonder why a cover showing such an apparently innocuous moment is set at a 15-degree angle to begin with. It could be nothing (and probably was in the original picture of that room), but traditionally that's a signal that something is amiss -- that the featured individual -- in this case, Professor X -- isn't mentally stable. But, like I said, that's probably just overthinking.

    On another topic entirely, I just saw something on my Twitter feed about Lauren Ridloff, who plays Makkari in Enternals, saying that Makkari is faster than the Flash. I know you generally prefer to use older pictures for photo covers, Ross, but that does kind of scream for one with her and Grant Gustin.

  6. @Bob Greenwade: Makkari probably just wants a rematch against a living Barry Allen, after the loss to Barry's Speed Force ghost (Buried Alien) in the Runner's Comsic Race way back in Quaser #17 (1990).

    Spoilers: This was Mark Gruenwald's sideways contribution to the 50th Anniversary of The Flash. Wally West was using the name at the time, as Barry Alien was currently dead (aka stuck in the Speed Force) after the original Crisis.

  7. Earlier anon, I suspect that part 2 will be Batman and the original x-men.

  8. @ both Anons: it seems you were _both_ wrong (lol)!
