Friday, November 12, 2021

Justice League of America Vs. The Invaders

Another Anniversary Issue has arrived, and this time I though I would go for an issue-long battle between two major teams that have yet to meet on this blog.  Who better to illustrate such an epic meeting that the King himself, Jack Kirby?  While putting this together I was fondly remembering back to Fantastic Four Annual #11 from 1976, in which Roy Thomas and John Buscema presented a meeting between the FF and the Invaders (with a Kirby cover to top it off), a great comic.


  1. Happy anniversary issue!

    Been a long time since I read that FF/Invaders issue!
    Cool cover!

  2. One golden shelled no-prize for the artist that put this cover together. Getting to add Dave Cockrum to the mix makes it even more of a Special anniversary. Some interesting pairings.
    Tho lead can stop Superman's x-ray vision, could Cap's shield do it too (since the Vibranium was originally from outer space also)?

  3. WOW!

    It's difficult to believe you've done four hundred issues in just over thirteen months (since the aforementioned #3100). But, there's no doubting the proof right before my eyes! And, you're right, as usual. A little back-tracking, via those parameter tags, shows that you've never had these teams confront each other before. At least, not directly!

    I must confess, though, that I was initially a little mystified as to your pitting the Red Tornado, rather than the Flash, against the Whizzer. Then, it occurred to me. It's already been proven, canonically, that Barry Allen (and even Wally West) is faster than Bob Franks. The latter, however, might be able to outfox Reddy given that Reddy was still trying to learn to think like a human (i.e., "outside the box") back in the Silver Age. Which is basically what cyberneticists are talking about when they discuss artificial intelligence! Building a computer that can think creatively in order to solve problems for which logic, alone, is insufficient.

    Yet, Bucky and Toro vs. the Flash seems even more one-sided! That, however, is more of a nitpick than a legitimate complaint. The rest of this anniversary "issue" is still undeniably enjoyable.

    Congratulations, once again!

  4. Greetings and salutations, Ross!

    Like the others above, I wish you "Happy Anniversary Issue." Only 990 to go till your 5000th issue!

  5. Ooops! That should've read "...5000th cover." Sorry about that, Chief!

  6. Nice! I think an actual story would tend to pair similar heroes against each other (like Flash vs. Whizzer and Superman vs. Captain Britain), but mixing things up makes things seem a bit less contrived. Superman vs. Captain America seems a bit one-sided, but then again so did Superman vs. Batman until I actually saw it done in the animated series. All the others look fairly even. And as Cary said, Toro and Bucky vs. the Flash looks one-sided on the surface, but Toro's powers and Bucky's creativity could keep Barry on his toes.

    I don't recognize the Invaders fighting Wonder Woman and Batman, but for some reason I want to see the latter paired with Liberty Belle.

  7. kevin from new orleansNovember 12, 2021 at 10:08 AM

    Spitfire & Miss America

  8. Kirby, Sinnott, Cockrum? WOW!!!

  9. I can understand the painful expression on the Martian Manhunter's face considering where Namor appears to be kicking him....

  10. Congrats, Ross, on #3500 and another fabulous mashup of images. I'm guessing the "gauntlet of destiny" is Earth-STF's version of the Spear of Destiny being turned into an Infinity Gauntlet. I'd like to see a follow-up with the last chapter of this tale, when the non-powered (so least affected by the Spear/Gauntlet) survivors of these battles (Batman and Bucky) take out whichever Nazi is using the Gauntlet.

  11. Another well deserved Happy Anniversary...
    ... But surely Cap is on a hiding to nothing against Superman? Only Subby out of that lot looks up to taking Supes on.
    Also, isn't that Cap's beloved Diana up there up on the bridge? Is one of them going to turn against the team? Or will it be divorce proceedings?

  12. Bet Cap laced the shield with Kryptonite. Congrats on this milestone!

  13. I love just looking at this, pretending I'm 13 and good this at the drug store, running home to read its awesomeness. I admire his much Kirby art you utilized, and that you avoided the obvious with the match-ups. Nice job. Very nice.

  14. Speaking of "Milestones?" How about, for STF #3600, Ultraforce vs. the Shadow Cabinet of Dakota City?

  15. @Earth 13: JJ is more likely wilting under the heat from the Golden Age Torch.

  16. Congrats on 3500 issues and thank you for entertaining me all the way!

  17. Horsefeathers Around the WorldNovember 14, 2021 at 12:54 AM

    Ross doesn't let you down. The future is always a new adventure somewhere. 3500 days of samples is loads of fun. So many samples to choose from. Better than a Hallmark card for fans of the comics everything is covered. Tremendous imagination.

  18. Fantastic 3500th, Ross. Excellent use of this cover format. You truly outdid yourself.

  19. Thanks for all of the kind comments on this one, guys!
