Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Booster Gold and Conan


Hey, if you're going to learn, learn from the best!  I can see Booster using his Time Bubble to pull a stunt like this.  Of course, knowing him, not everything will go exactly to plan.

I am always glad to use an image here by Dan Jurgens.  I was lucky enough to pick up an original page by him (and inker Rick Burchett) many years back: 


  1. ????. Not this pair.

  2. I think it's a great pairing!

  3. @my two namesakes: Guy Gardner and Francis the Talking Mule would be a great pairing. This is more of an odd couple. But, one that might work...if one has the patience to recall that even one-in-a-million is still a greater number than zero!

    As for Mr. Jurgens? I can't honestly say I've ever heard of him before...or even if I like his artwork. In fact, his version of Star-Breaker looks more like Nightcrawler in a cape rather than the space-faring Dracula who took out Superman, GL Jordan, and Barry-Flash in his first Silver Age clash with the JLA!

  4. With Booster's libido, I'm surprised he didn't choose Red Sonja as a mentor.

  5. @Anon@9:02: Guy and Francis would be interesting. My initial reaction was, "How could we tell them apart?" But then I thought, "What a pair for a body-swap incident!" And it's just the sort of thing that one might expect from Mr. Mxyzptlk.

  6. I always thought Booster Gold would be a good subject for a big screen treatment. What it means to be a hero and all that

  7. @Anonymous902: no two artists draw the same subject the same way.

  8. I have to go with Red for a mentor. Even with his force field, Booster isn't the type to take Conan's methods as seriously as Conan does. And if the force field loses power at any point would Skeets be fast enough to stop a blade from Conan? Probably, but Conan wouldn't care to stay around past that point.

  9. Great idea, Ross.

    Love the Justice League page. Jurgens did great work on that run.

  10. As my eye fell on the word "Red" in Tobor's comment above, I bizarre thought crossed my mind:

    What if Donald Duck got a Red Lantern ring?
