Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Batman and Captain Caveman


One of the cool things about seeing different artists' interpretations of Batman is how they each choose to depict the Bat-Cave.  It's still the coolest superhero HQ in my mind, and I'm sure its fun for each new illustrator to put their own spin on it.  I'm looking forward to whatever version we will be getting in next year's The Batman movie. 


  1. just speechless. the team up of the century. (which century?)

  2. What Tobor said. To which I can only add...thanks for giving us this instant humorous classic!

  3. Yes, I agree. This pairing is delightfully bizarre, yet oddly logical, especially given this mid-Silver Age version of Batman.

    As for coolest superhero HQ, for me the Batcave is barely edged out by the JLA Satellite.

  4. Hate to disagree, but I think Bats is from either the Dark Age (when the Trinity were the only supers being published) or early Silver (when Aquaman, Green Arrow, and Martian Manhunter just had back-book strips). But then I define mid-Silver starting when Infantino added the yellow circle to the Bat insignia.

    And keeping with the Bat-Cave topic, I have to say I'm very disappointed with how uninspired the cave is on the Batwoman show.

  5. @Anon: I'm surprised you caught that and I didn't. Even so, the title could be a hint that a blue police box is going to show up somewhere in the tale!

  6. "Whose"? No, I don't buy it. The "Who" is part of a Rossverse cunning plan...
    But what...?
    Elementary my dear, Ross. Clearly, although this may look exactly like the Silver Age Batcave, it is really the latest redesign of the bigger-on-the-inside TARDIS...
    And the clunky Captain Caveman is the newest incarnation of the Doctor...

  7. I thought the newest incarnation of the Doctor had become female to avoid the pre-destination paradox of the Valyard.

  8. funky phantom and deadman vs gentleman ghost would be cool

  9. A little too top-heavy with Time/Warner-owned characters, though. How about Funky Phantom and Deadman vs. either the Ghost (Iron Man foe) or the Ghost (Dark Horse anti-heroine)?

  10. Good topics filmsandvidgames07 and anonymous. Or how about Hong Kong Phooey meets the Green Hornet?

  11. Only if there could be a special guest-appearance by the TMNT's.

  12. I'd be very happy to see Dark Horse's Ghost vs. Marvel's Ghost.

    I'm also still wishing we could have the (previously discussed and group-assembled) combination of The Spectre bringing together the Phantom, the Shadow, and the Spirit, possibly to investigate some unsolved aspect of the Jim Corrigan murder.

  13. What if the Spirit found out that Dr. Cobra was still alive...and now working for the Seng Brotherhood (to try and bring down the Phantom, once and for all)? And that his mad science is seemingly being funded by Clarice Winston (Jim Corrigan's wealthy ex-fiance)? How would the Spectre react?

    Who knows? ;-)

  14. The Shadow knows! (Spooky, ominous laughter)

  15. Horsefeathers for the defenseNovember 25, 2021 at 7:52 AM

    There's a new super villain that's been discovered at several different companies! He is called "Ler"! When accused of some vile evil acts directed at the Phantom, Clarice
    exclaimed,"But Ler did it!"

  16. Ler is probably an XY counterpart of Jenny Everywhere.*

    *A la Quinn Mallory and Logan St.Clair on SLIDERS? ;-)
