Thursday, October 7, 2021

Harley Quinn Vs. Daredevil


I always thought that Harley Quinn's original jester costume looked familiar, and I finally remembered why... and thus, a cover is born!  Sure, she traded spikes for bells, but it's pretty darn close!  Even when Harley changes outfits, I prefer when she sticks to the red and black color scheme.


  1. Her color scheme might've been inspired by Bart Hill's original costume.* But, in general appearance, it looks more like the outfit worn by another Golden Ager: Charles "The Jester" Lane!** As for her little quip in the second word balloon? I love it! Makes me wonder why one of the indie publishers who revive these Golden Agers haven't made use of it as the name for a super-group's headquarters?

    *The DE version of him has his blue-and-gold outfit worn by one of his ex-sidekicks. While AC "inexplicably" changed the name of their version to "Reddevil."

    **Why DC has never canonically established him as even collaterally related to Lois Lane is beyond me. After all, he is one of their many acquisitions from Fawcett and Quality Comics.

  2. @Cary: now there's an idea for a sequel cover! The Jester who frequently--and sometimes literally--crosses swords with Marvel's Daredevil taking on Chuck Lane's namesake grandson (from the rather dour Modern Age Freedom Fighters).

  3. Horsefeathers not of the fashion policeOctober 7, 2021 at 9:06 AM

    Getting back to HQ did the way she flipped her colors act as a foreshadowing of her behavior going back and forth on so many things? Or was it "jest her" way of giving everybody the bird?

  4. An even better question: does she refer to her chief hide-out as HQHQ?

  5. Didn't someone actually make this exact suggestion the last time this Daredevil was featured?

    Speaking of Charles "The Jester" Lane (as Cary was just doing), I'd still love to see Ross gather a team of clown-themed heroes: besides him, there's the Tangent Universe Joker, Astro City's Jack-in-the-Box, and even some old public-domain heroes such as Prankster, Funnyman, and Biff. (The "Non-Ironic Clown entry at TV Tropes lists most of these, and also has more than a few other possibilities.) Once that group is established, it's only a matter of time before they have a showdown against the Joker's Wild!

  6. Apropos of nothing, there was a character actor named Charles Lane who died at 102. Google him and say "Oh, that guy".

  7. I'd like to see this version of Daredevil take on a similarly split costumed 3-D Man from Marvel Comics

  8. @Big Mike: or, failing that, Damien "Gemini" Link from the original Zodiac Cartel.

  9. The In-Betweener is similarly bifurcated. But, it ain't a costume!*

    *As Ben Grimm might say.

  10. "Apropos of nothing" (to coin a phrase); how about a romantic triangle between Jubilee of the X-men, Tim "Red Robin" Drake of Young Justice, and Blink of the Exiles. The latter being included just so Ross could use the title: "Super-Duper Love!"

  11. Harley get under a superhero's skin? nah. Never happen. But if she did, watch out. Maybe if she met Professor X of the X-Men?
    Love these covers that look like someone took a real photo and colored over it for a different kind of feel.

  12. Have you ever considered teaming this Golden Age Daredevil with the Golden Age (Timely Comics) Black Widow? Interesting take. Or you could take it to the next level and do a Superteam of the original versions of superheroes Stan Lee "forgot" existed and just used their names: Daredevil, Black Widow, Vision, Angel, Quicksilver (Quality), Ghost Rider, Black Cat (Harvey) and most egregious, Captain Marvel. You could make them fight the original commie Electro just for completeness!
