Sunday, October 17, 2021

Big Barda and Medusa


Here are two characters I am dying to see in the movies.  Barda has a great back story and I love the juxtaposition between her as a warrior in battle and loving wife and partner of Scott Free.  Medusa needs far better treatment than she received on the Inhumans tv series.  Let's not chop all of her hair off, for a start!  I'd love to see her powers in action with a big MCU budget.


  1. HYRAM H. HORSEFEATHERSOctober 17, 2021 at 7:13 AM

    Now, here's a great pair to be "mooned"!Since Barda worked under Granny Goodness, she'll appreciate the "hair raising" adventures her new partner can provide her with.

  2. I love this Kirby Kombination. These two ladies already look as if they hail from different corners of the same universe. I hope we see more Inhuman/New God team ups.

  3. Agree with Davejonz. Plus some Eternals. A dozens combos over a few months telling a larger tale would be amazing.

  4. I wonder how an Inhumans feature film would do at the box office if Amber Heard played Medusa?

  5. Definitely can see some Inhuman or Eternals/New Gods team ups.

    Also, would you consider some guys in advanced blue armor: Blue Beetle and Nova?

  6. I agree with you on both of these characters. The one thing I didn't like about Inhumans was Medusa's head getting shaved; it was a cool challenge for the character, but something that should've waited until Season 3.

    And in the right hands (director, writer, and actress), Barda would work quite well. Has she ever teamed with She-Hulk on these pages? (They'd be great for a "girls night out" situation, though I suspect that they'd actually end up having to go rescue Bruce and Scott from something.)

    Also, I agree with Dave, Christopher, and Reg about having more team-ups of New Gods with Inhumans and Eternals.

    @Anon@10:06: Abysmally. And please, don't even joke about She Who Must Not Be Named joining the MCU.

  7. Barda met She-Hulk in STF #2944 with the Female Furies.

  8. I wasn't joking. Just idly (but seriously) wondering!

  9. @Anon: Well, I'll fill you in. Letting a proven domestic abuser and perjurer join the MCU would be the stupidest thing that Disney could possibly do.

  10. Split the difference, guys! Recast Scarlet Johannsen as Medusa (a la Chris Evans going from original Johnny Storm to Steve "Captain America" Rogers). With an electronically distorted voice and a CGI-enhanced red wig, she might be able to convincingly pull it off.

  11. I thought she was playing Sersi.

  12. Not second choices go.

    She definitely did a good job on that BBC mini-series about androids.

  13. Does this lead into a story titled 'Darkseid of the Moon' ?

  14. @Simreeve: he shoots...and scores! :-)

  15. That totally should be a sequel to this, featuring Darkseid (of course) versus Black Bolt. What a battle that would be....

  16. Didn't someone suggest such a conflict back on October 11?
