Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Star Trek: TNG, The Watcher and Mr. Mxyzptlk


I've been getting a kick out of What If? on Disney+.  The animation style took some getting used to, but now I think it's pretty cool.  My favorite episode so far has been the Dr. Strange-centric one.  Jeffrey Wright as The Watcher is so good that I hope he brings the role to live action in a future movie.  I have a feeling we'll be seeing some of the characters and storyline in this show included in upcoming MCU films.


  1. What If...? has been awesome! The voice cast is enjoyable. I'm glad they were able to bring back almost every actor to play the same character from live action! That's very cool. I like Jeffrey Wright as The Watcher!

    I don't know that I'll be watching Season Two of Picard though. I was kind of disappointed by how Season One ended. It may be one small detail, but it was a huge game changer...

    This is a very interesting cover! (O_O)

  2. This is creativity at its best. A blend of concepts, characters and the use of humor to deepen the drama renders this a story so wished for to become real. Much impressed.

  3. I read about that twist, it sounded absolutely ridiculous and does not make me want to watch either season!

  4. What Tobor said.
    Mxy and Q make a particularly inspired match-up. Plenty of room for follow up...

  5. Even if I did get Disney+, I doubt I'd watch WHAT If. The animation reminds me too much of the intolerably bad ARCHER series.*

    *Of course, as is typical of my luck, whatever TV show I boycott winds up getting continually renewed!

  6. I take it, from his glowering expression, that this particular Watcher is not Uatu. But, rather, the never-afraid-to-be-proactive Nick Fury! The one whose cosmic conscription as the new Watcher of Earth healed his left eye and helped him to permanently quit cigar-smoking.

  7. It's nice to see Mxy in the outfit (or general appearance, at least) that I associate with him. Now if only the folks to write and cast for TV shows would get with the program and hire someone under 5' tall to play him. It can't be that hard to find the next Martin Klebba or Warwick Davis.

    As to What If...?, for me the "Variant" that's really stuck to me is Scott Lang from last week's Zombies episode, after he teams up with the Cloak of Levitation. I'm seriously considering bringing that one into my cosplay queue. (I won't spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen the episode yet).

    @Cary: You're right about at least one thing: What If...? has already announced a Season 2.

  8. @Cary: Actually, getting Disney+ is, at least for me, worth it for being able to watch all the Marvel and Star Wars movies and series. All three of the live-action MCU shows have been fantastic -- WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier certainly earned all of their Emmy nominations, and I'm expecting more for Loki -- and What If...? is (again, at least for me) worth it just for the above-alluded variant on Scott.

  9. Well, then, more power to you...you old masochist. ;-D

  10. Can you imagine Q messing around in Loki's life? Now that would take a lot of work and could be very interesting.

  11. @Cary: Who you callin' old, whippersnapper?

    @Anon@11:43: That would be EPIC! Ross, please do it!

  12. In the immortal words of Lou Costello: "I high IQ, too."

  13. I think Tobor's got your title!

    Aye! I cue the high-IQ queue!

  14. @Bob: Bravo! You sounded just like James Doohan when you did that.*

    *To my mind's ear, anyway. :-)
