Thursday, September 30, 2021

Green Lantern and Rom

I paired these two together in a back up feature in STF #1100, but I felt they were worthy of having a cover all to themselves.  Certainly if there's any group that I would expect a Spaceknight to come in contact with it would be the GLC.  I can only imagine the conflict that would be caused if they allowed a Dire Wraith to wield a Power Ring!


  1. I wonder if that "fugitive" could be...Guy Gardner?

    I mean, think about it! The Dire Wraiths of the Marvel-616 Universe were banished to Limbo. Double-G was once temporarily trapped in Limbo. So, what if one of the Dire Wraiths of the Ross-verse escaped from Limbo disguised as Guy Gardner?

    Let the pros and cons commence.

  2. All that green on the cover and the "Oa" setting seem to imply Hal has home-field advantage.

  3. I feel like I'm looking at a scene from a 1960's anime.

    "Mogo-go, Jordan Boy!"

  4. Love it! I could have sworn you had already done this team-up but it seems I was confusing it with a piece a friend of mine had done ages ago,
    Art by the incredibly talented and painfully missed, late great Xum Yukinori

  5. I was just looking at some of his art yesterday, he was incredibly talented.

  6. The Anonymous comment above just reminded me of the recurring joke in these Comments about having Mojo versus Mogo Jo-Jo, on Mogo. No? Well, then, send some Judoon in to break up the fight!

  7. I thought that was Dodo vs. Mojo Jojo on Mogo? Well, either way, maybe Ross considers that a permanent no-no.

  8. @Carycomic: I fear so-so.

  9. But what a way to Mo-go!

  10. In the immortal words of Phil Collins: "Nomo! Uh, nomo!"

