Thursday, September 16, 2021

Blue Devil and Beta Ray Bill


If Nathan Fillion doesn't get his wish to portray Wonder Man or Sasquatch for the MCU, perhaps he should go for another DC Comics character.  I think he'd be a great match for Dan Cassidy, AKA Blue Devil.  HBO Max is preparing movies and shows featuring characters from Justice League Dark, so there's certainly a chance for the trident-wielding hero to show up.


  1. hes part of dcs newer swamp thing hope to see him in legends of tomorrow

  2. Ok, Ross. You've inspired a new one. Blue Devil vs Namor. At some point Namor sees the trident and claims it for himself - When he tries to use it, it backfires on him but more so in an show of embarrassment. Is he humbled? You kidding? He tries more and more and the results gets worse and worse. BD is laughing himself till "he's blue in the face".

  3. Oh yeah. The title? "Grooooaaan Worse"!

  4. Hyram was here. - ©\©September 16, 2021 at 8:17 AM

    Poor Bill. Doesn't have a Ray of hope. If only he had been more Beta tested. Maybe he could team with Mr Mxyzptlk. Ah well. He could always go for a Manhattan when he's done. Right Doc?

  5. Maybe he could split the difference. Play a half-Chagrian/half-Devaronian matukai in the next STAR WARS tie-in. His name?

    Tedca Seedee.

  6. I think you mean "Danca Seedee."

    Tedca Seedee is that green-skinned Ragithian Human who works for a New Republic Senator named Charles Atoms (lol)!


  8. Seriously, though: intriguing concept, Ross! This team-up honestly would never have occurred to me.

  9. This is indeed an interesting pairing, Ross. These two guys are comparable in power level, with an overlap in style that's small enough to make the team-up unexpected but big enough to make it seem natural. Mephisto does seem to fall within that overlap, and for as little as I know of these two I think this is just how they'd handle it. Well done, especially on the story front.

    (Not to mention that this is an example of why I think that, should Marvel and DC ever try to make this a series for real, they should make you editor. They could even provide a pet flying pig as a signing bonus.)

    As for Nathan, I think he's a bit long in the tooth for Simon Williams*, but Walter Langkowski might not be too much of a stretch. He turned 50 last March, remember, and even if his casting is announced this year the earliest filming would start is in another two years, with three being more likely. He easily could turn 60 by the time his contract was finished. Ten years ago he would've been a dead-on slam dunk for Wonder Man; now, not so much.

    Bizarre pairing idea, though probably not practical: Detective Chimp vs. Alligator Loki.

  10. PS @Cary/Anon: Wouldn't 10K-CD be a droid?

  11. Absolutely great cover especially when you consider Stormbreaker was magically powered. I think Marvel made a break not including him in Thor: Ragnarok movie even if it was video of previous champion on Sakaar.

  12. I want Blue Devil back in his original form. The 'edgier' version depicted here is charmless.

  13. @Bob Greenwade: a human replica droid, most likely.

  14. @ Det. Tobor: the ideal foe to bring them together? The Silver Surfer's one-time foe; the Flying Dutchman!

  15. @Carycomic: I second that emotion. ;-)
