Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Jonny Quest and Green Lantern


Hal Jordan is an adventurer at heart, so I think that he would appreciate the fact that Jonny and Hadji share that spirit.  Stick the three of them in The Savage Land, with a mysterious MacGuffin, and you've got a story that writes itself!  Well, I would read it anyway!


  1. My favorite cartoon teamed up with my favorite DC character... Awesome!

  2. At some point Jonny would get the ring from an incapacitated Hal and find out how hard it really is to use. That young Mr J would use the ring so quickly and so well would establish a special mutual respect for the pair. Story's close might have Race saying to G.L. "We're in your debt." And G.L. would respond with "And I'm in his."

    Your layout is spot on.

  3. Ross, a special request. A 1939 Bat-Man teaming for the first time with a first year Spider-Man. The driving force would be the murders of Uncle Ben and the Waynes.

  4. If nothing else, Mr. Ross, we might finally learn how El Loco Viejo got to the Savage Land in the first place; and where he got that high-tech habitat for Tucu the Terrible.

  5. On the new HBOMax series Jellystone Jonny and Hadji are implied to be a married couple.

  6. Ross, how long did it take to do the coloring updates on the jetpacks? They make the cover really a team-up.

  7. Not too long, the tricky part is after you isolate the parts that you want to turn green you have to have two separate layers for the green glow - one for the parts that go in front of the figures and one that goes behind. It's an extra step but if you don't do it, the glow doesn't work properly.

  8. The above-mentioned work on the "green glow" is spot-on, Ross. I'll say again, you could easily be a colorist (or editor) for actual comics. I also can see Tobor's story elements happening in this match-up. And since Warner owns both DC and HB, the team-up could actually happen in the future, though the story would need to have a different locale.

    I'd love to see more unexpected Savage Land stories on the blog, though of course not to the point of inundation. The first thing that comes to my mind is the Creature Commandos winding up there. Mars Attacks the Savage Land might be an interesting twist, too. A Doctor Who landing would make for quite a story, and it seems right up the Fourth Doctor's alley (I know he's your favorite). And following up from yesterday, the Gargoyles might seek a new home there. Similarly, the Dinobots wouldn't be out of place ("Me, Grimlock like it here!").

    I also think that Tobor's Batman/Spider-Man team-up idea would make for an interesting story, especially if the pair were to discover that Ben and the Waynes were killed by the same conspiracy. It could even mark the first use in-continuity of the Spider-Signal!

    @Alec: I'm sure he's around there somewhere. Or, maybe he's back at base camp.

  9. @Ross and Alec: he probably got recruited into the Pet Avengers.

  10. P.S. @ Carycomic: I think you meant "Turu The Terrible."


  11. what do u mean No Horsefeathers??August 25, 2021 at 10:35 PM

    Green Lantern and the Lone Ranger. yes. Hadji and Zatanna? why not. But but.but. Bob G you is the genius. Mars Attacks vs Creature Commandos in the Savage Land? Try try to be better. Cue the unexpected. Put it to music?

    Jet pax by A. Strange. Green Glow by the Oans trucking co. Smoke and Mirrors by Mattel. Big Birds by The Old Agers. and the winner is The Green Glow. Congratulations.
