Friday, August 27, 2021

Howard the Duck and The Flash


Speculation but possible SPOILERS for the FLASH movie follow:

From set footage and cryptic comments by actors, the villain for the upcoming Flash movie is becoming clear and it's kind of a surprising one.  I had assumed The Reverse Flash would be involved somehow, but it looks like they are going in a slightly different direction by having Barry Allen dealing with a duplicate of himself.  We have seen the stand-in sharing scenes, dressed to look identical to Ezra Miller (except with yellow lining on his sneaker rather than the Red that Miller is wearing, hmmm...).  I'm not sure how I feel about this - I am not a big fan of Miller in the title role, so two of him doesn't really help things in my eyes.  Still, this is all speculation, we probably won't get any concrete answers until the DC Fandome presentation in a few months.


  1. I can just imagine the Flash becoming Princess Python's hypnotic love slave...and HTD her pet snake's lunch.

  2. Nah! The Ringmaster would want to exploit our hoodooed heroes more pragmatically than that. Like, say, the Flash stealing the formula for Miraclo from Tyler Chemicals in order to soup up Bruto the Strong Man?

    Or using Howard to rob some underwater target. Like, say, a pearl oyster bed sacred to the Polynesians who worship King Shark?

  3. I'd favor that last one. If only to have the Circus of Crime go up against the Suicide Squad!

    What do you say, Ross? Care to tackle that artistic challenge? :-)

  4. Minor, but necessary, digression, folks.

    I just read on-line that veteran soap actor Michael Nader passed away from the Big C, today. For those too young to remember, one of his few prime-time roles was playing bad guy Nicholas Pike on the CBS 1990 version of "The Flash" (with JWP in the title role).

    RIP, Mr. Nader!

  5. There's also some speculation that Ezra's cameo scene from the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths will also appear in the movie.

  6. @Bob Greenwade: does that mean we might also get cameos of Kenan Lonsdale as Kid Flash...and Billy Crudup as Dr. Manhattan?

  7. Tricky. It's not a "origin" movie even tho it's a first time Flash movie. Audiences know about parallel worlds since Star Trek and Sliders so TPTB can relax on explanations a bit. It would be fun to have a few seconds cross over with Flash doing a multiverse touching on the Dr Strange multiverse. Oh Access....
    Somehow, in this story Howard gets Barry's speed for a bit. Howard's mind can't keep up completely. It's almost like a Daffy Duck with how bad the crime circus get to be trapped by everything. Ringmaster is hanging upside down from the trapeze by accident and he doesn't like heights. Flash, revived, looks at the carnage and sadly shakes his head. Even they didn't deserve thi.... well, maybe they did.

  8. @Nathan: nah! That would've been too obvious. And (to paraphrase the late, great Bill Bixby), you wouldn't like Ross when he's too obvious.

    He becomes a real green-eyed monster. ;-)

  9. @D. Tobor: I'd rather see Daffy team up with Howard to better contend against...The Mask!

    Tentative title (pending Ross' approval)? "Sealed With Ipkiss."

  10. Why a copy or Reverse Flash as the first movie villain? Flash has so many better villains for his first, Captain Cold, Mirror Master, hell the Turtle would be better then yet again another villain with the same powers.

    Why does no one like the Turtle, poor slow guy.

  11. Hmmmmm! Why not have the Turtle (either Golden or Silver Age version) go up against Sonic the Hedgehog?

  12. @Anonymous822: Or, better yet, have the Vulture recruit Princess Python into the Sinister Six! After all, she almost overcame Spidey, the first time they met, using her femme fatale appeal.

  13. The Sinister Six? Go co-ed?!

    That would definitely throw Spidey a few curves. ;-D

  14. @Anon@10:12: No, the chances of those are slim to none.

    @MWC: The movie is supposed to be a take on Flashpoint, where Barry Allen stopped Reverse Flash from killing his mother.

    General: Last week I had a medical procedure, and while I was coming out from the anesthesia I had a bizarre dream where I was witnessing some of my favorite anime heroes -- led by Deku, Naruto, Gon, and Sailor Jupiter -- were fighting a group of Batman's villains, most prominently the Joker, Poison Ivy, Two-Face, and Mr. Freeze. The former were all there in their original styles, while the latter were all in Bruce Timm's DCAU style.

    Anyway, a title for that just occurred to me: "With fiends like that, who needs anime?"

  15. WOW! Great minds really do think alike. I'm doing a story with almost just that title over @ If you're interested, do some lurking under "Ordinaryguy2" (he does my beta-reading).

    This has been a shameless cross-plug. ;-D

  16. H across, H down and H diagonalAugust 28, 2021 at 3:19 AM

    Going slideways with this how about a group combining all the mind controllers? Anyone from Ringmaster to the Purple Man to Grodd could join. For a name you might have a ball with The Headbangers.

  17. To the Mind Controller group, I can suggest the Puppet Master (the Fantastic Four foe), Brain Wave (the JSA foe and father to Brainwave Jr.), and Mr. Mental (from the animated Tick series).

  18. And from the 1960's, I'd like to nominate the Brain Emperor (arch-enemy of the Silver Age Crusaders from Archie Comics) and Generalissimo Brainstorm (from Harvey Comics' "Pirana").

  19. h H h in the audienceAugust 28, 2021 at 11:27 PM

    I like the people you are all recommending. There is so much potential. As to a name
    I might go with whimsy - the M. C.s.(Brain Trust? for the bad guys? How much irony do you want to squeeze in?)

  20. How's The quick and the fowl.?

  21. Hope Howard stays away from Kentucky.

  22. @3H: enough for Tony Stark to change his code-name...and theme song.

    "Irony Man! Irony Man! Never does what you expect."

  23. You see, I used to imagine "Weird Al" Yankovic writing the theme song for RDJ's Marvel Film debut along these lines:

    "Iron Man! Iron Man!
    Does whatever an iron can.
    Presses clothes wrinkle free.
    Doot-doot-doot! Dee-dee-dee!
    Hey, there! There goes the Iron Man."

    But, in retrospect, Mr. Yankovic obviously has nothing to worry about.

  24. A more serious possibility for the group name: The Controllers.

  25. Their secret headquarters: the Basil Sandhurst Academy!

  26. That's on the right track. How about The Cortex? ((cerebral cortex - the outer surface of the brain,associated with higher level processes like the consciousness, thought, emotion, reasoning, language, and memory. Each cerebral hemisphere can be subdivided into four lobes, each associated with different functions.))

  27. In that case, how about including The Lobe (arch-enemy of Freakazoid)?

  28. If he can induce non voluntary behavior then Why Not?

  29. He certainly induced involuntary laughter in Freakazoid by teaming up with Invisibo.

    FREAKAZOID: "Invisibo?! Bwa-hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!"
