Saturday, July 3, 2021

Robin and Tigra

 There have been rumors that a Nightwing movie is not off the table.  It seems odd to me not to have a Robin first that graduates into being Nightwing, but Warner Bros seems to like jumping around in DC continuity, so I'm not that surprised that they would skip that chapter of Dick Grayson's journey.  We'll see if anything develops beyond the talking stages.


  1. I recognize this cover...
    Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon faced Sportsmaster and Huntress one time...

    This would be a pretty cool team-up!

    If there is a Nightwing film... maybe Dick Grayson will flashback to his time as Robin...

  2. Or, failing that, the next Batman-and-Robin feature can serve as a prequel.*

    *A la "Butch & Sundance: The Early Years" starring William Katt, pre-GREATEST AMERICAN HERO.

  3. Robin deserves another chance on the big screen...minus the nipples.

  4. 'Course, if it's the DCEU, not much "skipping over" would be needed; we're 20 years into Batman's career, after all. Bruce has probably already gone through Dick, Jason, and Tim, and is about ready to get to Damian.

    About this pyramid thing, if you really want to go all pyramid-crazy, you could put together Metamorpho and Moon Knight. You could even make a team of it, with Indiana Jones, Jonny Quest, Flynn Carsen (The Librarian[s]), and Hawkman.

    Also, a Casey Jones vs. Sportsmaster cover would be a fun thing.

  5. P.S.---Are Sportsmaster and the Tigress trying to get revenge against Wildcat, through his niece, for mistakenly (yet understandably) going after their daughter, Artemis Brock*, back in STF #3286?


  6. @Cary: dude! You take your speculations, here, way too seriously.

  7. Who would make Dick's Nightwing togs? Alfred?
    Tigra getting the bird? Another in Dick's "bedtime story" collection? Have Dick meet She-Hulk without the Titans. " Oh, What a Night-wing".

  8. Btw: it looks like Tigra won her argument with "Uncle Ted" (back in STF #2551).
