Saturday, July 10, 2021

Blue Beetles and The Beatles


looking back at the career of The Beatles, it surprises me that they were together as a band for only just about a decade.  It feels like it should be more, given their impact on rock & roll music.  Maybe that's because their sound evolved with each new album.  Their constant innovation had to be an inspiration to bands that followed.


  1. Hmmm. Could the Beatles become the Big Bad Beatleborgs?

  2. I would argue that Lennon and McCartney did a lot to invent "Rock and Roll"; Elvis pioneered the presentation - I don't think he wrote any of his stuff like The Beatles. Plus, the band seemed always to be looking for new ideas.

    Great team-up!
    "Blimey, it's time for another commercial!" That's the one line I remember from The Beatles animated series...

  3. hey lads....let's get the band back together again for old time sake...just one last time.... lol

  4. Ah, yes! The perfect cover-sim for a Saturday morning. A time of day that used to be _dominated_ by animated cartoons! In much the same way that the real-world Beatles dominated the "British Invasion" of the Music World in the 1960's.

    I know I've said this before, Ross. But, I sincerely hope you never get tired of hearing it.

    You're a genius!

  5. Can't wait for part 2. Lex Luthor and Yoko Ono.

  6. Beetlejuice

  7. Too bad Dan Garrett couldn't make it. He would've loved the show too, and been happy to help Ted celebrate. (Of course, now you'll have to remember that the STFU Ted Kord's birthday is July 10!)

    @Daviticus: No, jlbgriggs2 got it right. They'd be the Big Bad Beatleborgs.

    @AirDave: You're right about Elvis not writing his own stuff. I don't think he ever wrote a single song.

    @A p.s.a.: Wouldn't that be "Beatlejuice"? (A concept that might be a fun Halloween-themed cover!)

  8. Nice work bro. Ringo turned 81 this week this is a good gift. Peace and love.

  9. PS: Another fun idea: Dick Tracy uses the Spider-Signal, but Iron Beetle answers!

  10. Or Mopee telling Iron Man 2020 and Sealab 2020...

    "I now erase _you_ from continuity!"

  11. @Bob: Ha, you're right, I apologize!

  12. Love this!
    (Yeah, yeah, yeah)

  13. Ted Kord: "Jaime? You're a beautiful boy!"

  14. You've done so many covers with male bands= Beatles, KISS, etc. but did you know the Go-Go's also had their own one shot mini-comic?

    Maybe you could find a copy & do something with some musical gals for a change.

    Maybe a Jem & The Holograms team-up with their rivals The Misfits along for the ride.

  15. Or, failing that, the WB Batman (from '92) meets H-B's Josie and the Pussycats (from '72)!

  16. The Beetles Meet the Beatles Meet the Beat-Alls.

    How has this not happened yet?
