Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Batman and The Vision in: "Defeat and Repeat!"


Man, if not for this pandemic, we would have already seen The Batman in theaters.  Now we still have a full year to wait for it!  Let's hope they're using the extra time to perfect the product!  

Batman and The Vison have crossed paths before on the blog.  Once with the Scarlet Witch, and once in a very early B&B Cover...

I was able to pick up a Bob Kane Batman sketch many years ago:


  1. I remember the Time Commander. A foe of both Batman and GL Hal the tale that made "The Brave and The Bold" forever a Bat-title!

    And I remember a rather lame one-shot villain called The Time Master who tried to erase Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor from Silver Age history.

    But, DOCTOR Time? Sounds more like David "Chronos" Clinton wearing a modified copy of the Zodiac Master's outfit.

  2. DOCTOR Time??? i wonder WHO he is????
    great looking cover Ross.....

  3. That's probably what inspired whoever wrote him up for "Spidey Super Stories" (a mag published by Marvel in co-operation with PBS' Electric Company) back in the Seventies.

  4. P.S. @Unknown--I was replying to Cary.

  5. Met Bob Kane at a 70's con, just as he was telling a dealer he had come back from a trip and found his third wife had burned his books. Hoo boy does that hurt.

    This Batman is not the Jim Aparo version. He seems outclassed by the Vision. The early Vision could effortlessly do a Batman stand in with his cape flowing in the wind and his cold face unnerving a punk threat. I still miss that Vision.

    One thing. Since Vision could just as easily go thru the clock face and stop the doctor's operation cold, perhaps Time himself was being manipulated and protected.

    **And for captcha --- I am not a robot. I am the Vision.

  6. Well, at least we did get WandaVision, albeit with some fractures in the finale (thanks in large part to the pandemic). And we got a pretty kickin' The Falcon and the Winter Soldier too (I felt a real surge of pride when [SPOILER ALERT] Sam said, "I'm Captain America!")

  7. @ D. Tobor: good point! Perhaps even by the Lord of Time, himself? As far as I can tell, Ross has yet to use that former foe of the JLA, even for the (ahem!) first time.

    @Ross: so how about pitting him against, say, the 4th Doctor?

  8. Hyram H Horsefeathers in a minuteApril 28, 2021 at 10:41 AM

    Does that mean that all the time based villains will be able to get together and finally do their long awaited sequel prequel : Time and Time Again! ?

  9. Uh, Doctor? A Mr. Kang would like a word with you.

  10. @Hyram: hopefully, time won't let us wait that long. ;-D

  11. There's no time like the present. :-p

  12. Because it keeps on slipping-slipping-slipping into the future

  13. @Cary: Yup. Time keeps slipping away.

  14. And Cary "Styx" the musical landing! :-D
