Friday, March 12, 2021

The Spectre and Son of Satan


I never quite got Daimon Hellstrom's superhero outfit.  The shirtless/cape combo always seemed odd to me.  I get that maybe he was really proud of his chest emblem, maybe he even needed it exposed to use his magical abilities - but wouldn't a v-neck have sufficed?  I'm betting Captain America had plenty left over to lend after he abandoned his Nomad persona.


  1. How would Daimon do in a race with the Flash? Especially in Daimon's dominion?

    My interest is with the Spectre. Often wondered what if he met a different Earth's version of himself. The Earth 2 was Jim in an altered form of his own body. Earth 1 had Jim's mind in a de-minded reformed former super demon's body and use it. Talk about early recycling. Imagine these 2 versions meeting. Then we later learned Jim wasn't the first to "possess" this superghost. Even the Joker got in.

  2. Hey Rocky! Watch me take a dive from up here!

  3. I honestly feel like Daimon's costume was an attempt to justify the skimp costumes that the female demonic characters often wear. "See? Everyone in Hell dresses that way! We're not being sexist!"

  4. It's very hot in hell. I guess the fewer clothes the better.

  5. Not your fault at all but I'm getting frustrated seeing team ups that would be insanelyawesome if they were actually done.

    1. It's the danger of following Ross's blog. Teases for so many great stories we'll never read

  6. For St. Patrick's Day, maybe you could pair up the GREEN-skin Orion Siena with the pastel-skin Equestria Girls.

  7. Is this a sequel or a prequel to STF #3245?

  8. I always thought Prime from the Ultraverse looked a bit like Son of Satan (or is Son of Satan a shirtless Prime? LOL)

  9. In the immortal words of Ross: "Whichever you prefer."


  10. Another great cover. Son of Satan was always a favorite of mine!

  11. Sizzling Horsefeathers!!!March 12, 2021 at 3:04 PM

    "And now, for my next trick I need a volunteer from the audience. Yes sir, you'll do nicely. Hang around here a lot?"

  12. one left, one right.March 12, 2021 at 4:18 PM

    Son of Satan. S.O.S. ? nah. couldn't be. could it?

  13. MHS: Actually, it probably is Ross' fault!

  14. I have a longstanding appreciation for shirtless Damian. Never even occurred to me to ask whether it made sense.

    SeemS like you've got a bare chested team up if you want it: Damian, Hawkman, Hulk, Warlord, Martian Manhunter - Team Topless!

  15. @Christopher: You'd have to include some non-Marvel/DC characters in the mix, like John Carter and Conan.

  16. ...And it was T-H-I-S- big!

  17. Any relation to T.H.E. Catt?
