Friday, January 15, 2021

Vixen Vs. Sabretooth


This would be an interesting match up.  The animal kingdom infused power of the Tantu Totem versus a brute with rapid healing would equal some pretty cool action.  Not a lot of heroes can match Creed's savagery, but depending on what animal Vixen tapped into, she could get close.

Coming tomorrow:  STF #3200!


  1. Vixen taps into a non current time beast, or non Earth beast. All he needs is one killer strike to land. She has no healing factor so she needs to be careful.

    1. Sir, she actually has very powerful healing factor. It's could be stronger than Creed as she regenerate her entire nody

  2. Hyram H HorsefeathersJanuary 15, 2021 at 8:06 AM

    3200? How times flies. You go director!

    I do love a good set up. @Thanks det.
    Even Creed would have his claws full with Gloop and Gleep of the Herculoids!! His claws might bother the rest, even with rock like skin, but not these two.
    Adds a new level to Rock - Paper - Scissors - Formless wonders.

  3. I would buy this off a real-life spin rack in the proverbial "New Yawk" minute! :-D

    Still, I can't help wondering what would happen if she tapped into the power of an animal goddess avatar? Like, say, She-Cat of FemForce.

  4. Hmmm! Three leaping females in nearly as many weeks.

    Any chance of re-using Lara Croft, Vixen, _and_ Buffy together? Say, for Issue #3300? All of them leaping toward a vampirized Batman at the same time? You could get the latter image from the classic "Red Rain" graphic novel!

  5. One of Creed's few weaknesses (at least, that I can recall) is his overreliance on his brute power over strategy. I'm not as familiar with Vixen in the comics as I am in her animated and live-action incarnations, but those versions do tend to be more strategic in their approach to things. So, in this fight, I'd predict that Sabretooth will injure Vixen, but in the end will go down hard.

  6. Ooops! Where are my manners? Congratulations on 3200 wonderful cover-sims (I mean, issues)!

  7. @Hyram. Rock-Paper-Scissors. Great notion. Rock is easy - Sergeant R. Scissors. Edward S-hands. But I'm coming up short on Paper. Any ideas?

  8. @Dave: JJJ? (Yeah, a bit oblique, but still....)

  9. @gents : Wonder Woman's old foe Paper Man! Wait till they recycle Him!

    no one used paper tiger yet? howz come?
    And sides JJJ ya got Newsboys with the Guardian.

  10. @Dave, Bob, and Horace Feathers: how about Jackie Paper (best friend of Puff the Magic Dragon)?

  11. Ahhh The Busty Days of The 1970's & !980's Truly Breast-Taking!

  12. In the immortal words of Wm. Fakespeare:

    "Thou art not whistling 'Dixie,' Brother!"

  13. More than likely Vixen. She can lift 7,000 tons(with the pull strength of gonorrhea),she can fly close to Mach 6 (horsefly), has a healing factor as good as Wolverine (Tapeworm), can create Green Latern-like animal constricts and take hits from a mind controlled Superman. Sabretooth is a better fighter but that won't save him here.
