Saturday, January 23, 2021

Red Tornado and The Falcon


Disney+ upcoming Falcon and The Winter Soldier series will explore Sam Wilson's decision to take over shield duties from Captain America.  There was a comic book counterpart to this story, and after a while the shield went back to Cap.  I wonder what will happen by the shows end, though?  Will it remain in Sam's hands?  Will Sam give it over to Bucky?  Or will Chris Evans rumored return to the role play into things?  Hopefully the delays are over and we will not have to wait too long to find out.


  1. Horsefeathers spring cleaningJanuary 23, 2021 at 7:27 AM

    Chris needs to play 007 in 'Time & Time Again.' Can't wait till THE SQUADRON SUPREME makes it to Disney plus. ;)
    dust devils? More for Ted Kord and Machine Man.

  2. Casper meets the Red Tornado. That could be unique. a ghost meeting a 'living machine'. I would never have thought of it. Thanks Ross.

  3. Well, WandaVision is airing, and FWS is scheduled to start the week after WV ends, so I think things are back on track in that regard.

    As for Chris Evans returning as Steve Rogers, I think it's likely that the return will be as "Old Cap," alternate-universe versions, story elements set in the past (1940s or 2010s), recordings (like the PSAs in Spider-Man: Homecoming), and of course What If...? episodes.

    And y'know... it's been over three years since we've seen the pairing of Red Tornado with the Vision. Those two are such natural partners that if this was an actual comic they'd probably be a fixture. Maybe they could fight Megatron, General Grievous, or some other infamous mechanical menace.

  4. Great cover, Ross. Have you ever done Marvel villain the Answer vs DC's the Question? Or Polka-dot Man vs the Spot?

  5. If Disney+ is thinking of officially adding the Fantastic Four to the MCU, Chris Evans will most likely be returning as Johnny Storm.

  6. I know you have a limited number of photo-captures to work from. But, I never really liked this 2nd costume of Reddy's. He looked like the love-child of Chronos and Jemm of Saturn!

  7. Thanks Chris and Isaac! Yes, Question has met The Answer.

  8. Comment Deleted could Not haveJanuary 23, 2021 at 11:35 AM

    Ted Grant to the Dust Devils,"Pucker Up, suckers!"

  9. @Isaac: You can find that in #2713 (Sage's most recent appearance on this blog).

    @Anon@10:07: I find that highly doubtful, unless it's as an "alternate universe" cameo.

    @Comment Deleted: As an aside, I think Super Friends missed an opportunity by never bringing in Wildcat, voiced by Ted Grant. The guy was already doing other voices on the show, so he wouldn't have been hard to get.

  10. Reddy's costume is his best when it is drawn by appropriate artist team like Dick Dillin and Dick Giordano.

    If Chris Evans returns to role his retirement was acting to help publicity for Disney+ and upcoming Falcon and The Winter Soldier series.

  11. Bob mentioned WandaVision. Ross, I suppose given the different artwork styles that there is no chance of the Earth-STF Wanda the Scarlet Witch meeting Sesame Street’s Wanda the Witch who learned that witches who wash their wigs on windy winter Wednesdays are wacky.

  12. when Reddy is like this, he looks like he should be leading the 76 trombones parade.

  13. It sickens me that the movie/tv Falcon does not wear the white face mask with gold, beak-like triangle design between the eyes, which we see here. Sunglasses or goggles are not acceptable superhero attire, particularly when in flight at high speeds. FIE! A curse upon all Disney executives and their generic devolution of treasured American pop culture properties!

  14. Anti- anti-sunglasses in moviesJanuary 24, 2021 at 1:39 AM

    FOE FUM! to your FIE! Don't you remember when Tony Stark wore sunglasses before he used that ridiculous face mask of a monochrome style? Look at the X-Men. Cyclops and Logan. Sunglasses are in use.
    Sunglasses can have all the IT a hero needs. Look at Terminator.

  15. @Bob Greenwade: it'd still be better than the needlessly rebooted movie version of Johnny Storm (where Sue was turned into his East European-born foster sister)!

  16. @Anon@10:06: Yeah, and Johnny in that film looked exactly like Killmonger. About the only thing that was worse than that reboot was giving Batman a personal-imprint Visa card.

    But no, from what I've heard the new Fantastic Four will be a completely new cast.

  17. Well, when Marvel Films hands you lemons...

  18. Do J.A.K.E. (DC Weird War Tales) & Jocasta (Marvel Avengers) for Valentines Day.

  19. Throw in a certain Space Knight, as a jealous suitor, and Ross could entitle it... "ROM-Com!"

  20. Haven't you heard? "Three's Company." ;-)
