Sunday, January 10, 2021

Adam Strange and Beta Ray Bill


Thor: Love and Thunder is supposed to start filming this week, and we still have no confirmation on whether Beta Ray Bill will show up.  It seems like a jam packed movie already with Jane Foster, Gorr The God Butcher, Valkyrie and the Guardians of the Galaxy already in the mix, would there even be room?  I imagine he would be a CGI creation, so his inclusion would be easy to keep under wraps.  Maybe we will be pleasantly surprised.


  1. Considering what the latest multi part Adam Strange Adventure did for his rep, DC is not a brand I give much trust to anymore.
    nice cover tho.

  2. Well done, Ross. But you ain't fooling me. This is obviously a sneaky way to start another STF team under the radar and build it up in stages. We have our Adam and our Bill, but who's next for the ABC Heroes?

  3. @Ross & Tobor: And the cinematic version of the Grandmaster, as portrayed by (the usually more reliable) Jeff Goldblum, leaves even more to be desired!

  4. Needs to be a different publisher, Emsley.

    Adam Strange, Beta Ray Bill, Charlie Brown

  5. D for Dennis the Menace. I'll even settle for your US, rather than our UK version. Although we can also offer our Desperate Dan...
    Did Edward Scissorhands ever appear in a comic?

  6. Tomorrow's cover skips straight to E, with another A. E Vs. A to be exact. Does that spark your imagination? Wave your hand if so.

  7. E-man vs. (Capt.) Atom?

  8. Horsefeathers glowingJanuary 11, 2021 at 1:22 AM

    Atomic Eve for the draw.

  9. And then moving on to Fred Flintstone and George of the Jungle....

  10. @Bob: with maybe the two of them meeting those Muppet dinosaurs that were supposed to be a cross between the Bunker and the Kramden families?

  11. Living or dead who is your Dream casting of Beta-Ray Bill and why?

  12. Is Jeff Goldblum your Ideal casting for the Grandmaster, or would you prefer someone else (living or dead), for instance Grandmaster MELLE MEL OF GRANDMASTER FLASH?

  13. My ideal casting would be Michael Berryman (in a V-shaped white wig) as the motion-captured model for a CGI Grandmaster. But, with the voice of ex-Commander Sisko from STAR TREK: DS9.

  14. Michael Berryman I remember him as the Principal in that motley crap video and the same character in Weird Science The Film not the TV series on USA Network.I don't know him from anything else. I heard he was in a Mutant Star Wars Ripoff but I never seen it.

  15. @BrotherKellyMatthew: he was the tallest of the mutant cannibals in the orginal THE HILLS HAVE EYES.

    In green body paint, he'd also be an ideal mo-cap model for the Martian Manhunter! With voice-over by Carl Lumbly (of M.A.N.T.I.Sfame).

  16. @Emsley Wyatt: C-for-Calvin (of "...& Hobbs" fame) as Spaceman Spiff.
