Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Popeye and Thor


I thought it would be fun to put these two characters up, and didn't realize until I was in the middle of creating this cover that their outfits were so color coordinated.  It's just a pure coincidence, but they really do look like they go together. Let's just hope Thor doesn't use Mjolnir to summon a storm the next time Popeye says, "Well, blow me down!"


  1. Awesome team up! I can imagine so many others: Bluto and Ares, Wimpy and Volstag, Jeep and Thor-frog, and even Sif and Olive Oyl.

  2. I think this is your very first STF cover with musical accompaniment...
    At least, it is for me. As I look at I can hear Popeye's growly voice singing...
    "If I had a hammer..."

  3. @Davejonz: unless he was drowned out by storm winds generated by Thor.
    Bringing Popeye's singing career to an abrupt finich!


  4. It's always fun to see Popeye appear on this blog. It'd be interesting to see him paired with Nick Fury; I'm not sure the two could see eye to eye. (Pun totally intended.)

  5. @bob: yours was even better than Cary's!


  6. Popeye and Nick Fury....
    and throw in Cyclops and you have a team of one-eyed heroes....

  7. @jibgriggs2: How about Popeye and Alley Oop?

  8. @jack-el: Cyclops has two eyes; his visor just gives the illusion of one. On the other hand, one could throw in Danger Mouse, maybe Snake Plissken, and perhaps one or two others. (On the other hand, one could even argue that Popeye has two eyes, since the "missing" one seems to change sides at random intervals._

  9. Wimpy and Volstagg could be so, so good. :)

  10. @Isaac: BTW, Alley Oop looks more like Popeye.

  11. @Anon & Isaac: maybe he's a distant ancestor from Stone Age Pennsylvania ("Oyl" City region).
