Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Judge Dredd and The Spectre


There have been a lot of cool motorcycle designs in comics, from Ghost Rider to Wildcat to Batman and his allies.  Judge Dredd's Lawmaster has to sit somewhere near the top of the list of my favorites.  It has just a foreboding presence as Dredd himself does, and there's no doubt who it belongs to.  I especially like the big chunky wheels.


  1. Well, the first cinematic version belonged to Sly Stallone. But, after his adaptation tanked at the box office, I hear it got sold to Jay Leno!*

    *Just kidding, of course. :-)

  2. Winchester's HorsefeathersDecember 22, 2020 at 10:04 AM

    That's true. I heard it's gonna be used by Jay Ward's productions for Bullwinkle's bike in the next live action Rocky & ... movie. The last one did so well that they have enough for insurance and Tom Cruise disguised as Bullwinkle to use it.

  3. Somehow I thought Dredd was a member of Rolling Thunder, but it works out he's not. Maybe he should join.

    Or, on a related note, he could go up against the Biker Mice from Mars!

  4. Why does Spectre look like he has acid indigestion? Does the Judge put a tiger in his tank? That cycle looks like something General Glory would use. Has Dredd ever gone up against Lobo?

  5. @Ross: The funniest limited series I read, in the last couple years, was "Duckpool." Wherein Deadpool and Howard The Duck got merged into one being discourtesy of a faulty teleporter (a la THE FLY)!

    Any chance you could make "Judge Dreadpool" (a similar accidental amalgam) one of your New Year's resolutions?

  6. @Anon: I'd rather see Mr. Flintstone become Judge Fredd. (I think that'd take someone's custom-done art, though.)

  7. Lawgiver is his gun, LAWMASTER is the name of the bike.

  8. @NYV: it could be that, in the Rossverse, Jim Corrigan was replaced as the Spectre, not by Hal Jordan, but by Bruce "The Thin Man" Dickson!

    Just saying.

  9. @McFortner: I thought Lawgiver was the POTA version of Moses.
