Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Colossus Vs. Changeling


It's the thrilling conclusion to the two-part tale!

Continued from yesterday's cover, we see that Piotr hasn't taken too kindly to Gar Logan's interest in Kitty Pryde.  For as much of a girl-chaser as Gar is, he certainly hasn't had much luck with the ladies.  They're either, taken, not interested, or super-villains in disguise.  It's not easy being green.


  1. i'm green with envy.....lol

  2. Name that HorsefeatherDecember 15, 2020 at 7:40 AM

    Gar is in a bit of a jam here. Not a whole lot of animal shapes that might help him. But since it is Kitty, could Gar become a fire breathing dragon? From either Hell or Krypton. Your choice.
    And who was that masked man from part 1?
    Annnddd, a much happier early new year to the good guys.

  3. I'm seriously beginning to think that purple shadow was either the Hatemonger or Zeb Killgrave. Possibly using a variant of the device once employed by short-lived West Coast Avengers foe, The Blank.

  4. P.S. @ Norsefeathers: what's wrong with an Asgardian dragon? They've quite often given Thor, himself, a run for his money!

  5. @Cary: "Variant?" Oooh! Nice word.

    Seriously, though: I remember this gag strip that used to appear quite frequently in Gold Key comics of the Sixties. It was called "Monster Museum." And the target audience of those comics used to send in home-made drawings of whatever kind of fantasy/sci-fi monster they could think of, in hopes that Gold Key would publish theirs!

    My favorite (which, regrettably, was not my brainchild) was the Duck-billed Dissolver. A brachiosaurian reptile that could spit dissolving acid like a dragon breathes fire.

    In short; maybe Gar is a Gold Key fanboy?

  6. @Anonymous: Or, failing that, he could turn into a King Kong-sized variant of the gorilla from yesterday's cover-sim. Calling himself...


  7. All this talk of Gar turning into a dragon, and nobody mentions the most obvious draconine form for this story: Lockheed!

  8. The extra-terrestrial one? Or the fairy tale one with the brogue?

  9. Maybe pair Dr. Facilier with "Anastasia"'s Rasputin; they both have a similar alliance with dark forces, and operate(d) in the time period of the 1920's.

  10. Also, what about Colossus, and Robot Boy (a Harvey Comics character who really is COVERED in metal, like a knight).

  11. Y'know, the last time Colossus beat up one of Kitty's boyfriends (Pete Wisdom during the Warren Ellis run of Excalibur) she was none to happy with Piotr. Just sayin'.

    Maybe you should do one of Kitty Pryde and Catwoman, revealing that the unholy alliance of Bane and Sebastian Shaw was responsible for both of them leaving their respective fiancées at the altar in 2018 (I found it amusing that their respective non-wedding stories were published within two weeks of each other).

  12. First I've heard of those Sweeps Weeks-type stories. :-(

    I'll have to look for trade paperbacks in the spring.

  13. @Anon114: I'd rather see Peter Rasputin. vs. "Anastasia's" Rasputin. If only to see if Ross would dare entitle it...

    ...THE X-MUSICAL! ;-)

  14. @Cary: That reminds me... at some point I do need to return to writing my musical farce, "Oh! Rasputin; or, Hurry Up and Die Already."

  15. As in "Oh, Rasputin, don't you cry for me?"

  16. tin eared HorsefeathersDecember 16, 2020 at 4:56 PM

    I liked "Hurry Up and Diet Already."
    but is a strong one...
    That other one, "Oh! Rasputin", (to Oklahoma)
    Oh! Rasputin, where the crown comes a tumbling down,
    Where the bark and bite continue all night
    and you never leave a victim with a frown...

  17. Sounds like the Joker's favorite musical.

  18. Horsefeathers thru HistoryDecember 17, 2020 at 8:38 AM

    Don't forget the stage play Disney was developing:
    Rasputin, Rasputin Let down your Heir!

  19. Or Batman and Princess Anna vs. Mister Freeze in...

    "A Cold Knight In Gotham!"

  20. or knights in white satin - snow.....lol

  21. Or, on Epiphany, the Caped Crusader and the other eleven members of Batmen, Inc. in... "Twelfth Knight!"
