Friday, December 11, 2020

Batman & The Outsiders and Iceman


I was not surprised when Iceman was one of the first X-Men to get his own mini-series.  While he may not have been as flashy a character as Nightcrawler or Wolverine, and not even a member of the "All-New" X-Men, he still had gained fans from his appearances on Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends.  Plus, during the winter months, it was easy for kids to roleplay as him while horsing around in the snow. It was a weird series though!


  1. Horsefeathers off the iceDecember 11, 2020 at 6:48 AM

    Don't fire him till you see the white of his ice.
    A drake by any other name would make him a cock-Robin.

  2. I always enjoyed his solo story in Bizarre Adventures #27.

  3. Metamorpho can turn into magnesium (the only element that can set water on fire) and blow his floe to pieces. Geo-Force can melt his way out, geo-thermally. And Batman will escape by whatever Bat-means he's devised based on all his years of experience with Mr. Freeze. English translation, Mr. Drake?

    You're about to have your ice handed to you. ;-D

  4. @Cary: Magnesium's really only effective in powdered form, or whatever else can maximize surface area to a similar extent -- though given his shapeshifting abilities, Metamorpho might be able to get close enough for a good reaction. Plus, you didn't even mention heat from Black Lightning's electric powers, or what Halo might be able to do.

    Yeah, Bobby's tantrum here is going to be short-lived... but a few pages later, there'll be a situation that calls for cold, and then you just watch.

  5. Rename the team Batman and the Icesiders.
    Any chance Iceman and few other chilly folk - Mr Freeze, Captain Cold - could face off against Santa in a couple of weeks?

  6. @BobG: I decided to let you have that honor. :-)

  7. "The Icesiders"? No, the "Just-Ice League".

  8. As I recall, in the original comic(*), they only escape because Halo coincidentally discovers a new power she didn't know she had. (Also, the DC Fandom wiki reminds me that Katana wasn't actually one of those trapped, because she'd been kidnapped for organ harvesting purposes.)

    (*) Nice use of "Batman and the Outsiders" v1 #6, BTW! One of a handful of individual issues I'd had as a kid, along with stuff like part 3 (and only part 3) of "Batman: Ten Nights of the Beast". It wasn't well into adulthood that I was able to finally track down and read the whole stories.

  9. Forget magnesium...Rex turns into a big chunk of sodium and it's curtains for Drake. Or uranium. Or titanium and cuts his way out. Either way, Metamorpho is freeing the team! But Iceman would still be a good addition...

  10. I remember an issue of his original series in which Metamorpho and Element Girl were frozen. They turned into carbon dioxide, and the pressure buildup cracked their ice shells open.

  11. Slarti, are you sure the artwork is from the Cryonic Man story?

  12. Yeah, Bobby's tantrum here is going to be short-lived... but a few pages later, there'll be a situation that calls for cold, and then you just watch.
    @Bob G - Watch it bub. You're skating on thin ice.8)

  13. @ By the by, you can read the title with a different take as:
    "Ok, Victor Freeze, help us on this case and we'll do what you need."

  14. Tobor's right. The title could also be used to show Bobby Drake reluctantly having to recruit Victor Frees (true pronounciation of the German spelling) to help search for Cousin Tim.

  15. @Anonymous, it absolutely is the cover from that issue. Comparing Ross' version against the picture of the cover on the DC dot fandom dot com, it looks like he (very understandably) bumped up the color levels to take some of the '80s murk out of it, I think replaced the background color entirely with a fresh gradient, trimmed out the Cryonic Man (who was standing a bit lower than Bobby is, under Katana and sort of standing on that curve of ice that makes the "floor"), and replaced CM's arms/ double cold blast with Bobby and his ice slide and single big cold blast.

  16. Ross you made your mark.

  17. Starti, you are exactly right.

    Thanks, Anon!

  18. You're welcome. :-)
