Sunday, November 15, 2020

Liberty Belle and Miss America


I was looking into images for this cover and was pleasantly reminded that issue #2 of Miss America from 1944 featured a photo cover of  the title character.  I believe it actually may even be Venus Ramey, the real life Miss America from that year, in the costume.  Very cool to see golden age cosplaying done so well!


  1. Congratulations on such an historic find. great cover too.

  2. It would be cool to see a team up of the Marvel and DC Miss America.

  3. Technically, "cosplay" is when you make the costume yourself, and/or wear it just for fun. In this case I'd be pretty sure that the costume was made for her, just for this photo shoot.

    Other than that, I chime in with Tobor, Cary, and Dave. That classic cover is a great find, and the cover up top looks pretty darn great as well. It's doubly appropriate with the 20s starting to develop into the Decade of the Woman; adding American Dream and other patriotic-themed heroines (even American Maid) into a team would be very cool.

  4. Wow. Bizarre coincidence. I've been modifying "Heroclix" figures by removing their bases to include them on my 1/48 scale train layout and the one I'm working on now is Liberty Belle. Just started it last night and had no idea who she was until I saw your cover.

    Don't judge me. You do some weird stuff during lockdown.

  5. Weird stuff? What kind of weird stuff?

    Your project sounds awesome.

  6. @Emsley Wyatt: are you duplicating those old "tied-down-while-the-train-is-coming" cliffhangers?

  7. @Ross: how about a cover depicting a race between Harvey's Golden Age Black Cat on her motorcycle vs. Amazona (a one-shot precursor of Wonder Woman) on foot?

  8. I actually have that issue of Miss America. According to the Big Comics Database, Model portraying Miss America is Dolores Conlon, age 15.

  9. Ahhh... Liberty Belle brings back fond memeories of Roy Thomas ALL STAR SQUADRON. I was a teenager when it came out and really loved the WWII stories. My favorite was the croos over with the JLA (ASS # 14-15 and JLA 207-209) with Per Degaton. That's how I first learned about the Cuban Missle Crisis. Great Stuff!

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  10. Horsefeathers in the sidecarNovember 15, 2020 at 7:57 PM

    So that's what that expression Get Your ASS in Gear really means! XD

    While the fellas were over there, the women made some connections, got organized and surprised the hell out of a lot of the neighborhood low lives and opportunists.

    Ross your next group cover could be Watch those Dangerous Curves! (always nice to be underestimated.)

  11. Or, failing that, a variant of WHAT IF...? vol. 1/#1. "What if Spider-man joined the FF?"

    Only the latter turns out to be...FemForce!

  12. I could just imagine She-Cat's line.

    "Face it, tiger. You just hit the jackpot!"
