Friday, October 9, 2020

The Metal Men Vs. The U-Foes


I have always thought that The U-Foes were very cool and formidable, and it was always a treat to see them face off against The Hulk or other Marvel Heroes.  Still, I think they may somehow have ended up in the wrong universe, because to me they seem like the perfect adversaries for The Metal Men!  How fun would it be to see these two groups clash?


  1. The U-Foes (what a great name!) are completely new to me but look great. The Metal Men (due for renaming, given Platinum's presence?) I've always loved. This is great - yet another smooth job.

  2. real fan of Metal Men since Showcase days. Too bad the U-Foes couldn't go up against the Galaxy Trio or the Doom Patrol. A nice blend though.

  3. U. C. HorsefeathersOctober 9, 2020 at 7:52 AM

    Would X-Ray really stand a chance against Lead? Vapor? Ironclad alibi. Their new battle cry: U-Foes, U-Fall.

  4. Fun pairing, Ross! As with Dave, I'm not familiar with the U-Foes, but this does look like it'd be an interesting confrontation, especially if the villains take a stealth-and-ambush approach.

    I love the Metal Men, and I especially have fond memories of their first clash with Chemo. I hope there's not too long of a wait before they get a live-action treatment, whether on the big screen or as guests on Legends of Tomorrow.

    Speaking of Chemo, he has yet to make his debut on this blog. I think he'd be interesting against the X-Men or Spider-Man.

  5. Chemo has appeared three times on the blog so far.

  6. Horse Feather is right. Lead could easily quash X-ray. In addition, Vapor would probably get smothered by Mercury. While Gold, Tin, and Platinum might have to triple-team Vector.

    But, all of those fights would be preliminaries compared to the main event: Iron vs. Ironclad!

  7. Ack! I was hunting for Chemo's tag, and somehow didn't see it. (Even my good eye seems to be going bad!) Still, the foes I mentioned would be interesting.

  8. I'm not as familiar with Marvel as I am with DC, but aren't the U-Foes kind of an evil version of the Fantastic Four?

  9. Thru the looking glassesOctober 9, 2020 at 8:48 PM

    They tried to recreate what happened to the FF for their own benefits.

  10. How about OMAC vs. MODOK for STF #3025?

  11. Yes, the U-Foes were created to be an evil FF, but oddly enough in their 40 year history they have yet to meet the real FF.

  12. What a neat idea! Ross could call it..."War of the Acronyms!"
