Saturday, August 29, 2020

The Hulk and Wildfire


Wildfire has always been one of my favorite Legionnaires.  You would think that a hero without a face would be hard to identify with, but I found his appearance to be quite intriguing.  Plus, the whole concept that he was made of pure energy and his costume was merely a container to hold him made him very unique.  I think that he, like Ultra Boy, has the potential to spin off into a solo series of his own.


  1. I've lost track. Is Sandman currently a villain or a good guy?
    Wildfire is a completely unknown quantity but sounds interesting

  2. I'm guessing that their respective radiation-based abilities give them a molecular-transmuting energy matrix not unlike Firestorm's when combined. Hence, Mordru's obsession to absorb that power for himself!

  3. Would that such abilities could have been used for the permanent benefit of Chadwick Boseman. :-(

    RIP, Prince of the Wakanda!

  4. Ferro-Lad was completely masked because his race was originnally meant to be Negroid, a controversy in 1966.

  5. Of course, Andrew Nolan's being black would not have been controversial in the 30th Century, so in a way, it made sense to change his reason for wearing a mask to deformity.

    Still, DC Comics missed its chance to get a reputation for courage--a chance they did take a few years later with "Snowbirds Don't Fly".

    (Well, I wanted to post the cover image of GL/GA #85, but Imgur is not co-operating for some reason.)

    I don't recall that Amalgam Comics ever used Mordru in an amalgam. I would have combined him with Dormammu to make "Dormordru", or maybe "Dormadru".

  6. Ultra Boy was keen if only for his origin - he was eaten alive by a space whale (you see, Ultra Boy's secret identity was Jo Nah... GET IT???)

    But originally, his powers were limited to super vision powers - flash (heat) vision, pentra (x-ray) vision, telescopic vision, and that was about it. Interesting set.

    But he was modified into having all of Superboy's powers, but only one at a time. A more intriguing idea, to be sure!

    And then, he had a couple of bonuses, thanks to Legion gear. Obviously he had a Legion Flight Ring. He had a transsuit, a transparent instantly expanding space suit of some resilience that would protect him in vacuum or other dangerous environments. And an image inducer, just like Nightcrawler used.

    That combination spelled success to me for a solo comic.

    Wildfire was arguably the most powerful Legionnaire, as he had most of the Legion's powers, and it seemed his anti-energy could even hurt Superboy. Yeah, I could do something with that.

    But I dunno... I'm not sure this Hulk character could make it. :)

  7. The story that introduced Ultra Boy was his initiation into the Legion and as a condition of the test was limited to using vision powers. I don't know that that was all he had. Star Boy had Superboy-level powers when premiered, but those were scaled back. I've wondered it maybe they should have left Star Boy at that level and let Ultra Boy only have the vision powers, including a few unique ones.

  8. @Anon@9:31: Yet another race-fueled comics rumor, and untrue. Ferro Lad and his brother wore masks because they had seriously deformed faces.

  9. One wonders if the Nolan twins were the mutant descendants of Arno Stark?

