Monday, August 3, 2020

Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel Jr.

I keep hearing that Marvel Studios is close to announcing who will be cast as Kamala Khan in the Disney+ Ms. Marvel series. Hopefully they will find a young enough actress that can play the character for years without aging out of the role.  That may be a problem for the kids from Shazam! if they don't get that sequel up and filming soon!


  1. I like the ones where you play off the dual (duel?) Captain Marvels. This is a good combo.
    But what are they going to announce? Maybe a presidential run - against Superman and Captain America!

  2. Having seen "Shazam!" in theaters, I can honestly tell you... that wouldn't exactly be a loss, Ross.

  3. Marvelous HorsefeathersAugust 3, 2020 at 8:29 AM

    M & M would be so proud. And they wouldn't even have to worry about commuting.

  4. Personally, I think this would make the perfect tail-end of a trilogy that could've begun with STF #1308 before continuing in STF #2086.

    Ms. Marvel (nee Kamala Khan) was adopted into the Fawcett City Marvel Family. So, that's why she and Batgirl were on their way to a certain church. Namely, to see the good captain marry the original Ms. Marvel; Supergirl's adoptive sister Carol Danvers!

    And now, inspired by that, Kamala and Freddy Freeman are announcing their own engagement!

    Let's hope neither couple will ever yell "Split!!"

  5. Horsefeathers in the cookie jarAugust 3, 2020 at 9:25 AM

    Cary you get a cookie for that.

  6. This is a very engaging cover,* Ross. Freddy and Kamala even look almost like they're holding hands. I wish I was familiar enough with Kamala's supporting cast to know how her family would react to her marrying a non-Muslim. Regardless, this should be a fun story to revisit from time to time, like Cap/WW or the Power Couple.

    I've said before, Ross, that I don't think the Shazam! kids aging out of their roles will be much of an issue. Even Faithe Herman will be still nailing Darla when she's a teen. Characters in comics tend to age slowly, but I think it'll be a cool thing to see how well the producers work the issue of growing older into the film. Frankly, I think the adult versions will be aging out before the kids.

    Regardless of that, I understand that filming on the sequel is scheduled to begin early next summer.

    *Pun totally and unapologetically intended.

  7. Oh man, Mary Marvel would have problems with this announcement. Though I think they would be too young for an engagement. Maybe announcing that Junior and Ms. Marvel were becoming boyfriend/girlfriend?

  8. Engagement or courtship; either one would be Marvel-ously acceptable to me.


  9. That's just "wizard"!

  10. Not to mention, "Smashing!" and "Keen!"

    All together now...

    "Oh, you, pretty Chitty Bang-Bang
    Chitty-Chitty Bang-Bang, we love you!"

  11. How come nobody says "wizard" anymore? ;)

  12. Too many objections from religious right-wingers, I guess.

  13. I wonder if Kamala's parents would object to her hanging out with the DC version of Isis?

  14. The Wizard was killed at the Rock of Eternity.

  15. Wel, then, in the immortal words of gomer Pyle: "Sha-zay-am!"
