Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Galactus Vs. The Atom


This is a direct sequel to STF #2750...

I really can't wait to see how Galactus is realized for the Marvel movies.  After the fan reaction to the first attempt to bring the classic villain to the big screen in Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer, you just know that Kevin Feige and company are eager to take another, more faithful crack at doing justice for the Devourer of Worlds.  I've seen some very highly detailed renderings of Galactus by artists like Giorgio Comolo, those would be great places to look for inspiration, design-wise.


  1. Galactus is tricky to translate to the big screen. And satisfy us old time comic fans happy with the King Kirby rendition - and the others who would likely find it risible. The first film version was a flop for both.
    Cover is lovely. The surprise of seeing Atom and Galactus the same size is worth a lot by itself..

  2. Horsefeathers shrinking to watchAugust 11, 2020 at 9:21 AM

    ZOWZA What a sequel to #2750! An Atomic blast not seen coming. Would love to see the sequel to this cover : Ray,growing,leaving Galactus in the microverse, looks like he has Galactus's former size to the atom sized World Eater. Beautiful irony.

  3. Well... Galactus is definitely going to want someone like the Condiment King as his Herald (as I suggested yesterday) for the sequel story, where he escapes the Microverse but is stuck at normal human size and is left with eating fast food restaurants to survive (all the while being mistaken for a cosplayer -- how humiliating!).

    Of course I also agree with the above remarks about how great this cover is. Here are two characters of such disparate size, yet featured at the same scale because of where they are.

    The decision to base the movie Galactus more on the Earth-1610 (Ultimate Universe) version than the Earth-616 version was based on wanting to not overshadow the Silver Surfer in a movie that bore his name -- and it was a bad one, that concern being unnecessary. A more comics-faithful ending might've saved the franchise.

    The fandom wants a comics-faithful big-screen version. Fortunately, Kevin Feige is all about pleasing the fans, and is a fan himself. Mark my words: when Galactus does appear in the MCU, he'll be a gigantic humanoid in blue and purple armor with weird helmet antennae.

  4. Since the cover charge here is incredibly small I want to add my appreciation for this floor show and backdrop. Big G has gone up against most of the big DC characters so a new pairing isn't that easy after all.

    Might I suggest/ request Galactus goes up against Mr Mxyzptlk. Mr M could turn the world devourer into an oversized plush toy like a big Bebbo until he returns to the 5th dimension and the magic fades.

  5. Nice to see Atom "full size" on a cover. Of course, there was that one JLA cover where the rest of the team had shrunk and all you saw of Atom was his boots.

  6. So, Galactus won Round One (STF #117).

    Atom won Round Two (STF #2750).

    Who will win Round Three?

    Only Ross Peers-At-All knows for sure. ;-D

  7. As for DC in general, some new info


  8. Where the heck did you find an image of Galactis throwing a punch at someone?? That is not something I expect to see Galactis doing.

  9. Maybe it's from the time he threw down against The Sphinx (arch-enemy of Rich Rider, the original Nova).

  10. I thought the first GotG movie presented a Celestial pretty well, but Eson the Searcher didn't have to act. Designing and animating Big G will definitely be a challenge for whichever efx house gets the job.

  11. Forced perspective and motion-capture CGI should be able to do it. It worked for Grandmaster Snoke (or whatever he called himself in STAR WARS Episodes 7 & 8).

  12. Fishing in the TimestreamAugust 13, 2020 at 7:04 AM

    Having a full sized G. is going to make conversations on screen a bit one sided if the other speaker isn't near his gigantic head. Maybe a built in phone link?

    Just hope they show his actual origin in the movie. That at least is uncommon as origins go and may not be known by the masses.

  13. Dan Erickson and Steve Burton never had any trouble being understood when talking to Inspector Kobic on LAND OF THE GIANTS.

  14. Dan and Steve never had any trouble talking directly to Inspector Kobic in Irwin Allen's LAND OF THE GIANTS.
