Friday, July 31, 2020

Iron Man and Space Ghost

Lately when Chemo is featured in the comics, he has some kind of robotic appendages attached to him.  He still looks cool, but I still favor the more simple classic design, as used on this cover.  A giant sentient container of bubbling toxic waste is a terrifying concept and his appearances always excited me as a kid.


  1. Here's a book I would get a subscription to. Space Ghost, outside of Gold Key was rare enough, but with any character? Just as good as his big little book with the woman ruling the far off planet.

  2. SPACE GHOST - The Sorceress of Cyba 3, was the title of the 1960s Big Little Book, published by Whitman.

  3. For me, the Space Ghost series debut (with the Lava Monster of Jupiter) is still the iconic image of H-B's first serious superhero.

  4. Come to think of it? Not only was Space Ghost Hanna-Barbera's first superhero. His 1966 series also marked the start of Saturday morning as all animated cartoons!

  5. There's too little Chemo on this blog; I think he'd be interesting against the X-Men, the Defenders, or the Fantastic Four. He also could be a decent reason to bring back the original Robo-Force.

    I think he was originally created as a Metal Men foe, but I've tended to think that he'd fit with the Doom Patrol, and I think the current version on DC Universe (soon HBO Max) could see his live-action debut (even if he has to be CGI/mocap). I could also see him popping up in the Arrowverse, either on Legends of Tomorrow (fighting yet another giant Beebo) or, more grimly, on Black Lightning.

  6. A giant sentient container of bubbling toxic waste-2020!

  7. Bob, Chemo battled the FF in STF #190

  8. Chemo had some kind of robotic appendage attached when he was being used for the Suicide Squad. I don't know if Chemo had any kind of mechanized attachments after that. Does anyone else know?

  9. @Emsley: Chemo for President!

    @Ross: Rather embarrassingly, I saw that just before I added them to that sentence. (In my defense, they merely shared a cover on that occasion; they were letting Hourman do all the fighting!)

  10. @Bob & Horsefeathers: just what this country needs, right now. "Chemo" therapy!

  11. Horsefeathers in my own ponchoJuly 31, 2020 at 4:05 PM

    Here's a first boys and girls, a message left for me before I got here. Thanks A 1:54. And you're completely right. Give that person a bottle of water.
    Ross how would you feel about Chemo and Toxic Avenger with Metamorpho? Could Chemo blast The Thing and change him back to Ben? Grimm Tidings? How would Logan fight Chemo? (with a thick poncho) and could Ant-Man shrink Chemo down to size?

  12. 6) All of the above.

  13. @Horsefeathers: Toxic Avenger vs. Chemo! That's brilliant! I should have thought of it!

    (Though the Anonymous "Chemo Therapy" title could happen with Doc Samson vs. Chemo.)

  14. I wonder if Metallis and the Mandarin are working in cahoots, here?
