Monday, July 27, 2020

Hawkman and Jonny Quest

I thoroughly enjoyed Future Quest, the revival of several Hanna-Barbera  characters, a few years back.  I hope there will be more to come.  I still say there is a ton of potential in a HB Cinematic Universe, and a live action Jonny Quest adaptation would be a perfect place to start one.


  1. After trying the older Jonny & team in The Real Adventures of, young Jonny may have shown to work best. Getting a pair of live youngsters to do what was done in the sixties might be like making young Bruce of Gotham into Batman overnight. They would be jr high school age, even younger than Stargirl.

    Is that Hawkman from Andy Smith? He does seem to like the Earth 2 characters.

  2. Then, again, Ross, GOTHAM ran pretty close to six seasons on Fox. And I found young Bruce's development toward becoming Batman better written and better acted (and, thus, more riveting) than all of CW's current "super-operas" put together!

    As for those tendrils reaching up toward the surface? Methinks that Karkull's back in town!

  3. Hyram H HorsefeathersJuly 27, 2020 at 8:29 AM

    With all of his lives overlapped together is it true Hawkman is Birds of 'A' feather?
    Or is that One Feather to rule them all?

  4. The title is a play on an old joke: "Who is buried in Grant's tomb?" The answer: Mr. and Mrs. Grant.

  5. I'm not so sure about a big-screen HBCU, but I think a televised live-action "Jonnyverse" could work, featuring a roster of the most popular HB lineups without talking animals (Jonny Quest, Herculoids, Space Ghost, etc.*) and occasional crossovers. It could go on The CW when the Arrowverse has started to run its course, or on one of TWU's other properties (Syfy, DC Universe, maybe even HBO Max) sooner than that.

    *Dynomutt and the Blue Falcon might make it if the former is adequately explained as a robot. Unfortunately (for me, anyway) it'd take a lot more juggling than that to make Hong Kong Phooey work, unless they drop his canine aspect altogether (which I wouldn't mind, though more hardcore fans might).

  6. I can see the Jonny Quest opening now.

  7. CGI motion-capture, maybe. 100% live-action, though? Definitely not!

  8. This could actually be done, now that the same conglomerate owns both the DC and HB characters.

    Actually--while I had to quit comics in 2007 due to the expense, IIRC, some of the other people on this blog have said that DC actually did some HB character crossover comics a few years back.

  9. Yeah! But, not always satisfactorily. There was a GL/Space Ghost crossover that featured none of the characters depicted on the cover!

    Simply an illustrative version of unethical clickbait.

  10. @Cary: Huh??? The Green Lantern/Space Ghost cover featured Green Lantern and Space Ghost. Other than a "backup feature" bubble with Ruff & Reddy, that's it. Am I missing something?

  11. Horsefeathers on a QuestJuly 28, 2020 at 12:06 AM

    Say, did you hear - Hawkman, Falcon, Birdman, and the Angel opened that new P.I. firm, Wings To Go!

  12. So glad you enjoyed Future Quest! I got into JQ via the 90s series, and back then, the reruns on Cartoon Network let me see what came before. My personal favorites are a tie between the original series and the 2nd season of TRAJQ (the one made by people who actually liked the original series). Was kinda hoping Future Quest would run long enough to have a crossover between the two versions, via time travel/alternate earths/whatever, but I don’t get nice things.

  13. @Bob: the cover of the issue I bought featured half the Council of Doom! Must've been a variant.

  14. @Cary: It had to have been something like that, though why DC would do that when the main cover has such an awesome picture of SG and GL (arguably the best cover of the series) will probably always remain an unanswered mystery.

  15. Holy Dennis Farina, Batman! ;-)
