Sunday, July 12, 2020

Ambush Bug and Bug

Three energetic characters named bug from three different companies, all with a predominantly green color scheme.  It's only natural that they would gravitate to one another in the the nonstop party known as the STF universe!  With their fun personalities, I'm thinking that a story featuring this trio would be an enjoyable romp.


  1. Wouldn't it be great if tomorrow they stole Blue Beetle's Bug and went on a joy ride. Three bugs in a bug, bugging out!

  2. Hyram the debugger HorsefeathersJuly 12, 2020 at 7:59 AM

    isn't Bug & Ambush Bug(New Gods) both from DC?
    If so, you still have a bug in the program.
    Better than them facing a RAID.

  3. how bugged am I? Enough for a Tick.July 12, 2020 at 8:15 AM

    So if Bugs Bunny had a 24 hour bug in a 'B & B' would he be blue too?

  4. The cover makes me as happy as a bug in a rug (though it may bug some people).

  5. Hyram, Bug is from Micronauts, published by Marvel, then IDW

  6. Ambush Bug movie breaks box office record over weekend. He was heard to ask Who has a weak end? He wants the Washington Redskins to become the Washington Politicians.b

  7. Hyram not a bug collector horsefeathersJuly 12, 2020 at 8:35 AM

    That was Forager the Bug, also called Bug(?) I was thinking of. Too many bugs beetles spiders and flys in this hobby.

  8. One wonders if they'll visit Gulliver in the land of Bugdubdrib?

  9. Have you considered Ambush Bug with the Animaniacs and Dr Strange?

  10. Hellgrammite should make an appearance too.

  11. Add in Herbie the Love Bug, and you've got.something!

  12. "Let those dimmer than a firefly's light
    Call themselves...The Hellgrammite!"

  13. @Unknown: I think that'd be three bugs in a bug's bug.

    @Hyram: I'd thought you were thinking of Bug, one of DC's Spider-Man pastiches.

    @Ross: Fun cover for what would have to be a fun story. Given the title, I think they'd have to deal at some point with an oversized bullfrog named Jeremiah.

    @General: It's too bad DC's only gotten the Blue Beetle mantle as far as three heroes. If there was a fourth, they could form a rock band.

  14. Ok, I just have to ask... where does Ted the Bug come from?

  15. Anonymous, check out the Bone comic by Jeff Smith :)
    I'm sure Phoney Bone is behind all this.

  16. Another insect-named hero, or rather, team is Big Bad Beetleborgs; BTW, maybe Fangula, Frankenbeans, Mums, etc. (of ...Beetleborgs) could meet the ghosts from FILMATION's Ghostbusters; they both(?) have spoof names.

  17. Now we need Colossal Boy, Giant Man (movie size) and Titan (from Justice Machine) to step on these three bugs.

  18. @Carycomic: isn't Bugdubdrib where the giant wasp that Gulliver briefly rode came from?

  19. Nope! The Land of Giant W.A.S.P's is actually called Brobdingnag. ;-)

  20. Horsefeathers teleporting thruJuly 12, 2020 at 11:39 PM

    Ambush Bug and Spider-Man take on JJJ or Doom. or. Ambush Bug and Nightcrawler bumping into each other during teleports.

  21. Love it! 1 Comment and 1 Question:

    Comment: I think Hyram is thinking of Forager, the New God whom a few (at least Orion) would call "Bug".

    Question: In the description, you have the phrase "I'm singeing that a story featuring..." I'm assuming that's a spelling mistake, but I can't tell what it >should< be...

  22. still not a bug collector with horsefeathersJuly 13, 2020 at 2:53 PM

    Nathan Elke said...
    Love it! 1 Comment and 1 Question. Comment: I think Hyram is thinking of Forager, the New God whom a few (at least Orion) would call "Bug

    Nathan, ur rite as you can see with -
    Hyram not a bug collector horsefeathers said...
    That was Forager the Bug, also called Bug(?) I was thinking of. Too many bugs beetles spiders and flys in this hobby.

    July 12, 2020 at 8:35 AM

  23. Should have added Ted's big brother!

  24. @Dr. OTR: who might that be? "Power" Cord?
