Monday, June 1, 2020

Hellboy and Wonder Woman

Fans got their way with the announcement that the Snyder Cut of Justice League will be completed and presented on HBO Max.  Now there's lots of talk of an Ayer Cut of Suicide Squad, since much of that movie was lost in editing.  It's nice to know that studios pay attention to some of these online movements.  I wonder what it would take to allow Guillermo Del Toro to complete his Hellboy Trilogy, after the poorly received reboot all but killed the franchise.


  1. The phrase "A miracle" comes to mind. Perhaps even a live-action version of "Mr. Miracle!"

  2. The hands probably belong to irate advance ticket-holders for "Wonder Woman:1984!"

  3. True! All that's missing is a word balloon of them chanting:

    "We want our money back."

  4. Where's Cap? Shouldn't he be looking out for his lady?

  5. Anon@7:26 is probably right. A bit too much time has passed since the first two GDT Hellboy pics, and I don't know that Ron Perlman would want back into the role (though he certainly might).

    @Cary & Anon@7:52: Given that WW84 was delayed, not cancelled, the hands would probably belong to all of the ticket-holders with this objection. If movie theaters don't honor or refund those tickets, they're not very good theaters.

    @Dave: I've no doubt he'd be showing up near the end. It could be that he's tied up elsewhere. (Pun not intended, but appreciated.)

  6. BTW, did any comic books, etc. link "America's Stonehenge" in Salem, NH with witches connected, or connected enough, with Salem, MA?

  7. I think all that is needed for studios to do new cuts is bean counters deciding there is enough market for them. The new streaming options give new revenue sources AND encourage those who do not have the streaming option which they choose to release on justification in their opinion to get illegal copy since as I heard many times "if they just released it in theater I would have gone".

  8. To paraphrase the immortal words of Billy Crystal (from THE PRINCESS BRIDE):

    "The hopes for reviving box office success are only _mostly_ dead! Which means that some hope is still slightly _alive!_"

  9. @Dave and Bob: wasn't Cap helping fight the good fight alongside the Fighting American around this same time? Isn't that why he was unavailable for nick-of-time duty in Salem?

  10. If you're referring to STF #2967, I believe that adventure was meant to be perceived as set in the 1950's. Then, again, that's probably exactly who brought modern-day Cap back to the Fifties: Nick O'Time!

    Mutant son of former All-Winner Squad foes Future Man and Madame Death.

  11. Failing that, I'd settle for Ibis the Invincible vs. Shuma-Gorath!

    If memory serves, Ibis' debut foe was called "The Black Pharoah." Ross could easily conflate him with HPL's Nyarlathotep by depicting the former as having been supercharged by Shuma-Gorath (via Seth of Heliopolis, even) during their one-time clash in ancient Egypt!

  12. Not a mirror imageJune 2, 2020 at 10:47 AM

    She is still a Prince among the royalty of Hell.
