Saturday, June 6, 2020

Doom Patrol and The Hulk

I liked this version of The Doom Patrol, even if the newer members didn't have as much of a "freak" element to them.  I thought that Joshua Clay, Tempest, was a cool character with an interesting power set.  I don't really remember seeing him anywhere in the DCU after Grant Morrison took over the title.  Was he killed off, de-powered, or just forgotten about?


  1. Grant Morrison killed him off in his last storyline. That's like thirty years ago, though, and I don't know if he's ever been resurrected.

  2. I know that this blog intends to be apolitical, something with which I agree, respect, and support. However, given recent events in the USA, some causes deserve more than mere silence.

    I have no gift for doing artistic work like what Ross does here. So, as a fan and viewer, what I can do is just suggest this:

    * Green Lantern/John Stewart, Cyborg, Icon, Falcon, Storm, Black Panther, Cloak. #BlackLivesMatter 1

    * Black Lightning, Vixen, Static Shock, Luke Cage, Misty Knight, Blade. #BlackLivesMatter 2

    * Superman/Calvin Ellis & Spider-man/Miles Morales. #BlackLivesMatter 3

    Any of the above suggestions or any combination of heroes mentioned will be very valid. There is no need for a team name or history/reason for the cover, except the tag #BlackLivesMatter.

    I'm caucasian and I'm not a robot! It is sad that we still have to remind so many people that, no more and no less, like everyone else, #BlackLivesMatter.

  3. @Ross ... In 2011, when "The New 52" rebooted the DC Universe, Tempest/Joshua Clay first appears in along with Negative Woman and Celsius being watched by Grid. Then he was mentioned in conversation by Scorch and Karma, then presumably killed off by Johnny Quick and Atomica. Lex Luthor tells Chief that Tempest and Celsius have faked their deaths to escape from him and from the Doom Patrol.

    Two years after Joshua Clay's death, in Doom Patrol (vol. 2) #55, a man named Martin Ellis, who looks like the Steve Lightle rendition of Joshua Clay, wakes from a seven-year coma with an active metagene. In combat with Captain Atom, Ellis exhibits the same powers as Joshua Clay. Ellis reunites with his wife Yvonne at the end of the story.

  4. @Ross ... After Joshua Clay's death in Doom Patrol Vol 2 #55 (May, 1992), Joshua Clay appears as Martin Ellis (single appearance) in history "The Sleeper Awakens" of Justice League Quarterly Vol 1 #17 (December, 1994).
    Also, Joshua Clay was reanimated alongside Celsius, Clifford Steele and Negative Woman, as members of the Black Lantern Corps in Doom Patrol Vol 5 #4 (November, 2009), and attacks Elasti-Girl. His powers seem to have changed, as he is seen controlling the weather, creating tornados and lightning.

    (1)Tempest is a name used by 3 different and unrelated characters in the DC Universe. It was originally used by Joshua Clay. Aqualad/Garth began using the name after he outgrew his position as Aquaman's sidekick under Atlan's mentorship, and continued to use it during his membership in the Titans. In the Atari Force universe, the alias is used by a hero named Christopher Champion.
    (2) Joshua Clay appears in the sixth episode of the Doom Patrol television series played by Alimi Ballard.

  5. Funny thing about the Hulk is, he'd fit right in with this iteration of the Doom Patrol.

    Also, I second the Calvin Ellis/Miles Morales team-up suggestion, for the reasons given.

    1. ...if you are going to do this pairing as a Black Lives Matter team i would suggest also including Nubia,Wonder Womans' twin...

    2. and perhaps also include Isahia Bradley the first Captain America who was black.....

  6. He could be brought back as a unexpected side-effect of the JSA's restoration. That is; if DC develops a sudden case of good sense.*

    *Oxymoronically known as "common sense."

  7. @B Paganini: Oddly, in Teen Titans Go! Elasti-girl was depicted as Afro-ethnic, baring a resemblance to "The Cleveland Show"'s Donna Tubbs Brown, unlike other depictions; also, I wonder if Fat Albert, etc. would be accepted as culturally colorless characters (that might be why the Bounce network once aired it).

  8. B Paganini,
    "I been readin' about you work for the BLUE skins...
    and on a planet someplace you helped the ORANGE skins... only there's skins you never bothered with-- ...the BLACK skins! I want to know... How Come?! Answer me that, Mr. Green Lantern!"
    Dennis O'Neil and Neal Adams
    Green Lantern Vol. 2 #76
    April 1970

    Black Lives (Did and still Do) Matter.....

  9. @jack-el ... Is this for real? or did I not get the joke?

    Indeed, suggesting teams of comic's fictional characters composed based on their blue, or green, or purple, or silver, or gold skins only demonstrates my hidden prejudice. After all, in our real world, these people with blue, or green, or purple, or silver, or gold skins suffer a lot from the structural prejudice still rooted in our modern society.

    Hypocrisy on my part not to defend real people with blue, or green, or purple, or silver, or gold skins while I do this for those with black skin in the real society ... (or would it be fictitious?)

    [intentional sarcasm]

  10. @jack-el ... oh, forgive me, please.

    I believed that your comment above referred to a previous suggestion I made on this blog, where I suggested teams composed of characters based in their bronze, silver, and gold skin. In the rushed reading, I believed you were pointing out hypocrisy on my part for now suggesting something with the tag #BlackLivesMatter
    My apologies.

  11. Now that the Doom Patrol have met the Hulk how about the Defenders meeting the Doom Patrol.

  12. Though I liked Celcius and her thermal abilities the new Doom Patrol was a disappointing replacement for the original. Dc should have just cancelled the title and left everyone intact for a revival down the road, which is what happened anyway.

  13. I'd rather see a salute to DC's "Strange Sports Stories" featuring a Para-lympic wheelchair race...between Prof. X and Niles "The Chief" Caulder!
