Saturday, May 16, 2020

Cheetah Vs. Black Panther

One thing that has not been revealed from Wonder Woman 1984 is how Kristin Wiig will look in full Cheetah form.  There have been a few merchandising peeks that give some hints, however.  It seems like we will get something close to how she appears on this cover, which is a good thing, as it's one of my favorite versions of the character.


  1. Awesome cover!
    So, the idea is that Kristen Wiig will be transformed into a "human" cheetah, like the modern version of the character, rather than a cheetah costume like the classic, Golden-Age version?


  2. I cannot see how they will do that. Movie superheroes/villains need to take off masks on film preferably in middle of action.

  3. @Glenn: Performance capture, most likely. That's how Marvel gave us the Hulk, Ultron, Thanos, Rocket, Groot, and many other characters.

  4. whiskers not included on HorsefeathersMay 16, 2020 at 10:07 AM

    On his way to see the Lion King, old T' ran into an old fling.
    On a revamped Bat-cycle he did ride, trying to evade that amazing Mrs Hyde.

  5. Glenn, the villains are only forced to take off their masks when they are beaten by Scooby Doo and the gang.

    They would have been good for a sequel to yesterday's cover too... would have got away with it, except for that pesky Kid (and Mr. Keeper)...

  6. More like a revamped Cat-o-cycle, Mistah Whiskas.
    ---Vinnie Vidivicci.

  7. Where's Prof. Henry Higgins, when you need him?

  8. Comment Deleted could not have possiblyMay 17, 2020 at 1:00 AM

    Since the Prof. has no class, he be at the stage door, he is. Studying them diolects he's always going on about. He said he wanted to get a new fare, lady.

  9. Picking here, picking there. Pickering everywhere.May 17, 2020 at 1:12 AM

    Is that so? Well I heard he's with that old Col. Mustard working out a problem in the drawing room. Heard it may be awhile tho. Sounds like they haven't got a clue.

  10. "They couldn't find a clue with both hands and a h***y bloodhound!"
    ---Flint Westwood

  11. Eventually they did give up and decided to dance all night.

  12. "The STF Characters Who Loved Cat-Dancing"

    Rated PG-13.

  13. But that is a tail for another time.

  14. Then, crank up the old Wayback Machine, Mr. P!
