Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Swamp Thing and Kolchak: The Night Stalker

It's interesting - first it was announced that the Stargirl series from DC's streaming service will also be aired on the CW network.  Now we hear that the first Season of Harley Quinn is going to air on the SYFY channel.  I'm hoping that the abruptly cancelled Swamp Thing show finds a second home as well, I heard good thing about it and would like to check it out some time.


  1. Now this is a little different as covers go. It pretty much happened when Carl went in the sewers after the Swamp moss monster in Louisiana. Nice twist by having the focus from the 'monster's' point of view.

  2. Personally, I'm a couple of months away from subscribing to DC Universe, where I'll be able to watch Titans and Doom Patrol as well as Swamp Thing, as well as bygone DC programs (which I'm hoping includes Krypton and Birds of Prey).

    This cover is one of those unexpectedly natural pairings. Kolchak would naturally take an interest in Arcane, as well as Swampy himself. I can even visualize how this scene might play out, as Kolchak realizes that this scary-looking thing is not only intelligent, but at the moment more interested in talking than tearing him apart, and might even be a potential ally.

    On a semi-related topic, I was going on the other day about how various iterations of the Doctor might be interesting in covers (photo or otherwise) with certain characters with whom they were contemporary. When the Swamp Thing movie with Dick Durock was out, the Doctor was Peter Davison, and somehow that version of Swampy seems like a good fit for the Fifth Doctor's tenure.

    He might also look good next to Lou Ferrigno or Peter Mayhew... though that's just thinking out loud.

  3. Remembering how Season One-and-Only of "B5: Crusade" aired on Syfy Channel (back when it was still Sci-Fi Channel), I'm dubious about the prospects of a Harley Quinn series succeeding there.

  4. Now, maybe if it was made for USA Network, like all five seasons of "Swamp Thing: TOS" with Dick Durock...?

  5. @Carycomic: the original Swamp Thing series only ran for three seasons. But, otherwise, yeah, I agree. It was pretty good!

    @Ross: great photo-shopping with these two images! I can just see Kolchak complaining about the swamp being worse than the sewers of Chicago (where he once vanquished something called a "paramalfait"). And Alec Holland sneaking up behind and going "Want-to-bet?" !

  6. I would hope that HBO is now picking up some of the DC shows for their streaming service. So maybe they will fund a second season of Swamp Thing.

    @Carycomic: I was disappointed it lasted only one season and unfortunately there is nothing outlined or written suggesting how the series would have continued or ended. Also it aired on TNT rather than SyFy.

  7. What if Kolchak met one of Dougal Dixon's night stalkers? LOL! XD!; also a jackalope and a rabbuck.

  8. This is just... amazing.

  9. If he could find that high heeled leg lamp, he could be The Night Stalker Before Christmas.

  10. if he was riding on a horse as well would he then be the Night Mare Stalker B4 Christmas?

  11. Switchboard OperatorApril 29, 2020 at 12:34 AM

    Since you brought him up, hows about Kolchak with Mork and Greatest American Hero?

  12. How about Kolchak and Kojak doing a "retromercial" for Kodak?

  13. With Kodak as a sponsor for Season Two of CRUSADE?

  14. With a special appearance by Crusader Rabbit!

  15. @Anonymous
    How about Kolchak and Kojak doing a "retromercial" for Kodak in Kodiak, Alaska.

  16. @all my namesakes: Or a p.s.a. for the Alaskan Board of Tourism.

    "Alaska! You'll love it once you get Inuit."

  17. Carl listen to me, whatever you do don't eat those yams!
