Saturday, April 25, 2020

Captain Marvel Jr. and Bucky

I am looking forward to Falcon and The Winter Soldier on Disney+, but the title begs one big question.  Why would Bucky Barnes want to continue going by the Winter Soldier code name?  Wasn't that given to him by the people who manipulated him into being a mindless mercenary for years?  I'd think he would never want to be called that again.  We'll see if that point is addressed in the new show.


  1. Nice pairing. Maybe in a future cover you could have Bucky teaming with Ray Palmer's Atom. Or would such similar costumes be clashing?

    Bucky might want to keep his name to "embarrass" his trainers and handlers as he shows them what he can do against them.

  2. Like this. It has a Good Old Days feel to it and everything blends together smoothly.
    As for the name, Winter Soldier is way cooler than sidekick Bucky.

  3. Who's the guy with the purple face (or mask)?

  4. I see Purple Mask (or Face) subscribes to the Bond Villain Code of Ethics:

    "Never just shoot a non-bulletproof hero, when you can put him in a ridiculously elaborate, slowly-operating deathtrap that he can rescue himself from, or be rescued from by one or more allies."

  5. I agree with Dave's assessment of this cover. It's a great touch to see Junior flying in between the chains; I don't even want to think about how much work that must've taken! While it looks as if you just dropped him into an old Captain America cover, that's mostly just an educated guess based on the content; looking at it, I really couldn't tell that this wasn't originally drawn that way.

    As for the name of Winter Soldier, I suspect that Bucky may, by the end, take on the name given to him by the Wakandan children: White Wolf. On the other hand, "No one important" brings up a good point, and he may choose to go that route after all. In any event, he does still continue using the name in the comics; is a reason for doing so given there (asks the non-comic reader)?

    And, like Anon@9:07, I'm curious about the green-suited brute that Junior's closing in on. I suspect that he's just a one-shot boss, but maybe not.

    On another (albeit related) topic, I just noticed that Bucky's boots and gloves are the same style as Dr. Mid-Nite's. Maybe the two of them could share a cover some time, noting the fact (at least in the commentary). If there are other heroes who wear gauntlet gloves and pirate boots, maybe they could be up there as well.

    I do think, though, that the most profound possible partnership for Bucky, as the Winter Soldier, would be to continue working with Red Hood. Despite not having superpowers (beyond Bucky's cybernetic arm), their respective returns from death could bring them into contact with all manner of mystical foes, from Black Racer to Mephisto.

  6. Red Skulls less famous cousin, Purple Cranium.

  7. Second Bob's reteam idea for Winter Soldier and Red Hood. Great cover too. (Ta for the link, Bob.)
    Maybe they could link up with other resurrectees and form a team (I love your teams dearly!) Called the Resurrection Brigade. Maybe their self-appointed mission is to bring back the ones that have NOT been restored to life. I'm thinking the original (at least in the Marvel sense) Captain Marvel. (At least I THINK he's never returned...)

  8. Hmmmm! A Golden Age super-villain I'm not familiar with. Could he be the Red Skull's cousin from Eternia?

  9. @Anonymous: actually, Kid Charlemagne is right. The chief bad guy looks more like a Purple Skull than a Gray Skull!

  10. This is giving me ideas of a team up of the Kid Commandos and the Young All Stars, and I'm thinking more of Robin, Speedy, the SSK, Sandy, Dynamite, maybe Wing, Little Boy Blue & Miss Redhead

  11. I'd have to agree with Davejonz that Winter Soldier sounds way cooler than Bucky (as does White Wolf, but the RPG publisher of the same name might object). Moreover, I believe Bucky is a nickname based on his real name, James Buchanan Barnes, and therefore could be risky for someone trying to maintain a secret identity.

    Also @NICHOLAS ZENO Good one! :)

  12. Next thing you know, 007 will be going up against Mr. Freeze as a proctologist in...COLD FINGER.
