Sunday, March 8, 2020

The Imperial Guard Vs. Darkseid

Marvel likes to beat DC to the punch at the movies when they can, so I am surprised that I have never heard anything about them bringing The Imperial Guard to the MCU.  Maybe if DC were to announce a Legion of Super-Heroes film or streaming series, Marvel will respond by putting The Guard on the fast track.  I'd love to see them in live action.


  1. Now there's a cover worth a movie series. Darkside would use the Infinity Gauntlet to create an anti-life equation. In steps the Guard and get cut down. But one guard member escaped, went to a parallel universe and got some other STONES with the help of others.
    POPCORN for everyone.

  2. Did the Guard ever make it to one of the Xmen animated series? That could a great test like the Legion animated series was. They probably too large to do live action.

  3. Gladiator definitely appeared in the 90s animated series. Pretty sure other members appeared, at least as cameos, throughout the same show's adaptations of the Phoenix Saga and Dark Phoenix Saga.

    I assume the live action rights had been tied up with Fox until recently (and of course they had little interest in the cosmic side of things), so hopefully now that the MCU has them, they will use them.

  4. Of course, the LSH has appeared in bits and pieces on Supergirl; I'm surprised that they've never gotten even a mention on Legends of Tomorrow (add them to the list that also includes Booster Gold, future-era Jonah Hex, and the Time Trapper).

    In fact, I think it'd be fun to build up to a Zero Hour crossover event with time-travel build-ups on Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, and The Flash, possibly with little pieces on Green Arrow and the Canaries and Superman & Lois.

    As for this cover... it's the second-scariest Infinity Gauntlet cover to date (I think you can guess which one I consider greater).

    I think Nick's probably right about the Imperial Guard being tied up with Fox' X-Men rights. I think that the earliest we're likely to see them will be Captain Marvel 2, though if rumors of a Nova movie are true that might be a good place too.

    PS: I think Edna Mode would have a conniption over Gladiator.

    Also: Has there been a team of fire-based heroes here yet? I think it'd be interesting to see the bunch of them having lost their powers, and feeling very put out. #BadPunNoCookie

  5. Would love to see a LSH movie or series. What we've seen on Supegirl has basically just been a tease of what the real article could be.

  6. I've got a bad feeling that any LSH property will depend on whether Bendis' version has any staying power. And if it does, it will probably that version instead of the classic Legion.

  7. Looks like Darkseid stole the Infinity Gauntlet from Ambush Bug. Discourtesy of the Black Racer, perhaps?

  8. Is that the one that was created as a rip-off of the Silver Surfer?

  9. Naw! That was the Scarlet Skier.

  10. Bob, Yes I have done The Hotheads as a fire-based team... the real question is what about an ice based team?

  11. Aren't most of the ice-based characters villains? The Hotheads versus a villainous ice team would be a great matchup. I'd also like to see a teamup between the Fairly Ofddparents and the Great Gazoo.

  12. I second Scott's motion. GG and the Fairly Oddparents could form a musical trio.

    The Gazoo Band. :-)

  13. How about Happy, the "imaginary" winged unicorn, and the Great Gazoo.

  14. An ice-based team would be great -- Iceman, Polar Boy, Queen Elsa, etc. -- though it obviously wouldn't work with the above pun.

    As for the Great Gazoo, I think I'd rather see him in a conflict with Mr. Mxyzptlk.

    PS: Next up for the Infinity Gauntlet: Pinky and the Brain!!!

  15. I guess Darkseid forgot the first time he tried the Infinity Guantlet and discovered it only works in the Marvel Universe as proven in JLA/Avengers #2.

  16. Ah, but this is the STF Universe!

  17. @Scott@Ross: Which means anything is possible. Even Power Girl going up against Gladiator of the Imperial Guard!

  18. Maybe Gazoo with Disney's Aladdin's genie, the Mask, G.E.E.K.E.R., Ned's Newt, etc.

  19. Levitz/Giffen Legion or BUST. Do it right, Hollywood.

  20. Or Gazoo vs. Earth-3's Thunderbolt?

  21. R.I.P. Imperial Guard. You will be replaced.
