Saturday, March 21, 2020

Godzilla Joins The Green Lantern Corps

Presenting the conclusion to our Three-Part Epic! Looks like helping out the GLC is going to be more than a one-time gig for the big guy!

I was thinking the Green Lantern ring tease for John Diggle on the last episode of Arrow might indicate David Ramsay's involvement in the Green Lantern Corps HBO Max series.  Then, they made a point of him saying that he was relocating to Metropolis - so now it seems he'll be a part of the upcoming Superman and Lois CW show.  Hopefully he'll be on one of the two, I like the actor in the role.

Coming tomorrow: STF #2900!


  1. A great conclusion to a fun storyline. Maybe the big guy can start a recruiting drive for the Corps. Maybe he can join the Justice League while he's at it.

  2. Dave, and Godzooky joining the Teen Titans?

  3. It would be even better if they gave every Arroverse-exclusive character a power ring! Or have the villains created for Smallville resurrected as Black Lanterns. Crossover, anyone?

  4. I wanna see him do the oath! Will he be like Krypto when they want to show how smart he is?

  5. I was right! Now we just need to see Godzilla teaming up with fellow GL Matt Murdock!

    I was already clear, from the Crisis on Infinite Earths conclusion, that David Ramsey wasn't going to be part of the HBO MAX Green Lantern Corps series, since that show is going to be set on another Earth (at any rate, another universe). But, as you say, Dig and Lyla are moving to Metropolis, so he'll probably be a part of Superman and Lois.

  6. Thanks, anonymous. Now I also want to see Godzooki on the Teen Titans. Or at least either Minya or Godzilla Jr.

  7. Godzilla with a Power Ring??

    That's not just gilding the lily, that's upending a full tub of molten gold on it.

    So when do we see Ghidorah with a Yellow and Red set of Rings challenging him?

  8. Maybe that's exactly who they're off to confront, Anon.*

    *Better him than --ugh!--Groot as Biollantern. :-(

  9. Worst-case scenario: Marvel Zombies join the Black Lantern Corps. (Maybe for Halloween!)

  10. Ore even better? Marvel Zombie Sentry and Black Lantern Chaselon vs. Darth Andeddu (for next Halloween)!

  11. And One Ring In The Emerald Light To Bind Them.

  12. Didn't he already join the Lensmen? The third book I thought.
