Sunday, March 29, 2020

Dr. Doom Vs. Harley Quinn

It looks like Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey is the latest film to get an early streaming release in these movie theater-free days.  I guess I will have to check it out despite the less than stellar reviews I read for it, and hope it surpasses lowered expectations.  I had heard much more enthusiastic reviews for the Harley Quinn animated show, but I watched the first episode of that and the cursing and over the top violence was a turn off.  Harley Quinn isn't Deadpool, and the same kind of humor isn't always interchangeable with them, in my opinion.


  1. Since HQ on tv is pay for service, WB decided to make it adult level. And what can say "adult" more than nudity, violence and language? Someday, they may hope to put Batman the NEW animated series there under Black and Blue label.
    Now if you had Von Doom switch minds with HER for some special reconnaissance, that could be an interesting tale.

  2. I had the same experience with the animated show. I'll wait for them to add the movie to the DC app. Without being sure of my next paycheck, don't have a lot of disposable cash right now and the service is already budgeted for.

    As for today's cover, I can see her saying just this. Another unexpected crossover! But it made me think of one: Bugs Bunny meets Fin Fang Foom.

  3. I have not seen HQ's animated show, but I am not shocked at what you say. I suppose that if comics and comic shows/movies depicted what real life would be life if these characters existed, we would see some of these people with potty mouths just like we have in the actual real world. With those people, there would be a diversity of political and theological beliefs, some who could curse with the best and others who would rather not utter such words, even in their dreams. That notwithstanding, I miss the days of entertainment with little or no vulgarity. My eyes and ears may not be virgin, but I don't need all of that to be entertained. Tell me the story without all of that mess.

  4. Harley is very much not Deadpool, its more like a higher octane version of Venture Brothers.

  5. Great cover. First the pairing, which is beyond intriguing. Second the combination of the 2 images - the giant Doctor Doom head looming over a chilling out tiny Quinn. Genius.
    Ross, somehow you've got to start persuading Marvel and DC to start producing the stories your covers promise. Knock heads together. Make it happen!

  6. I guess this means she took a right turn and wound up in Liddleville.*


  7. If you didn't like the animated show because of the violence and language, you deffinitely won't like the movie. It is, at best, adequate, ALOT of gratuitous violence and a very simplistic story. It's not that bad, but it's not that good either.

    The animated show is indeed fun, Just ignore the foul language and enjoy the ride.

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  8. Streaming services, to paraphrase Matt Roush, is a sort of "Wild West" of television, where there's little to no regulation of content, so creators often feel like just because they can do anything, they should, or at least can do it just because they feel like it. The sad truth is, any time sex, nudity, violence, profanity, or any other potentially offensive or controversial elements (such as racism or religion) are included, if they don't advance the story, they detract from it. I had the same problem with The Witcher on Netflix; those things seemed thrown in to disguise a general lack of creativity. Nudity, violence, profanity, etc. don't necessarily make something "adult," it just makes it "adults only" whether it's done in an actually mature manner or (more often) a decidedly juvenile one.

    OK, off my soapbox now.

    Despite my above tirade and less-than-stellar reviews, I probably will still watch the Birds of Prey film, whether on Netflix (if it shows up there) or on DVD via my local library.

    As for today's cover, this actually looks like it could be an interesting story. The contrast between Doom's relatively humorless, no-nonsense personality and Harley's happy-go-lucky outlook would be enough all by itself. I'm with Dave; let's try to get Marvel and DC to get together and make this into an actual comic series.

  9. I agree about the cartoon. It's a popular style of humor for comics these days but it takes Harley too far from what makes her special, IMO. I haven't seen the movie yet, but one review I read makes me guardedly hopeful. They said there is a genuinely nice relationship between the female characters and is makes a nice counterpoint to the often misogynistic tone of so many grimdark movies.

  10. Doom to his secretary robot: llda, tell Henry i'm signing up for his Pym particles of the month club. It does get results.

  11. @Horsefeathers: didn't Doom already discover those, independently, through his (ahem!) little sojourn to that "sub-atomic" universe?

  12. Maybe, if we ever get a HarleyPool cover, the couple could be doing their level best to rip up that Comics Code Authority stamp.

  13. Horsefeathers in 2021March 30, 2020 at 11:57 AM

    @anonymous 9:16, Absolutely! FF #16 with Ant-Man. But he couldn't use his own to make giants as well. It was the story behind this cover that did it. And away we go.......

  14. @Bob Greenwade: technically, this _is_ a HarleyPool cover! Note the lovely bikini she's almost not wearing.

  15. @Anonymous: pretty good pun. But, still no cookie!
