Saturday, January 4, 2020

Ultraman and The Iron Giant

While it was fun seeing The Iron Giant go up against a misguided military and protecting Hogarth, we never got to see him face any antagonists his own size.  Who better join him in such an endeavor than a kaiju-crusher Ultraman?  I've had a few requests for this pairing, and it does seem like it would make for a fun tale.


  1. I’ve thought of a team-up idea that would be great for this year’s Halloween special - Ghost Rider joining forces with Ash Williams, Buffy Summers, Nick Burkhardt and the Winchester brothers.

  2. You could add Frankenstein, Jr., Big Guy, and Gigantor.

  3. all growing characters such as apache chief collosall boy giant man giganta stature vs growing man shaggy man multi man?

  4. Or Duncan Macleod of the Clan Macleod going up against Jim Caviezel's Beowulf-like ancient astronaut in...

    "Highlander Vs. Outlander!"

    "Brought to you by United Auto Workers."

  5. Either of these two big guys would be great facing off against Godzilla.

    And here, all I was about to suggest was Darkwing Duck joining the Wacky Races.

  6. I like the idea this pair teaming with Frankenstein, Jr., Big Guy, and Gigantor, and the claw looks like the Cloverfield monster.

  7. On the other hand, Ultraman of Earth-3 could probably send both of them to the nearest scrap heap. With one hand tied behind his (presumably Kryptonian) back!

  8. H. H. Horsefeathers IIJanuary 4, 2020 at 10:14 AM

    I wanna see Atom, Ant-man & Wasp go up against them. Make it The Long & Short of it in no time. Followed by the Damage Crew.

  9. This is a story I wouldn't mind see get made.

  10. @Hyram: the three of them could carpool in Bumblebee. ;-)

  11. Anyone know what kids change into adult heroes besides Shazam's Billy Batson and the Fly's Thomas Troy? And maybe Captain Marvel's Rick Jones.

  12. Maybe a fanfiction could have Happosai (the primary "card-carrying" pervert of "Ranma 1/2) meeting the Donald Duck of the cartoon short "Flipperboobootosis"; the squeezing of Donald's bunion(?) that made him cringe(?), gritting(?) his teeth(?), had a bit of pervert trope in it.

  13. "Flipperboobootosis"' bunion(?)-squeezing on Donald Duck's foot resembled Peter Griffin's squeezing of Gloria Ironbox' breasts in sensitivity class in the Family Guy episode "I Am Peter, Hear Me Roar".

  14. "We never got to see him face any antagonists his own size."

    Maybe they were saving that for the sequel?

  15. Anonymous at 3:42, that was the distinguishing idea of Billy Batson/Captain Marvel. Others include Major Might (Love and Capes), Amethyst (DC), various kids in different versions of Dial H for a Hero (DC), various parodies like the British Bananaman...
