Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Spectre and Kolchak: The Night Stalker

I really hope that once The Spectre assumes his ghostly form at some point in the final two episodes of the Crisis on Infinite Earths CW event, he looks close to his comic book counterpart. Stephen Lobo doesn't really resemble Jim Corrigan (another hero de-gingered!) but we have only seen him as a human thus far.  They had another actor playing Corrigan in the short-lived Constantine series, and they gave him a nice Spectre-like effect when foreshadowing  future developments that alas, never came to pass - that looked pretty cool even if it was brief.


  1. Will Kolchak the Night Stalker encounter one of Dougal Dixon's nightstalkers? XD!

  2. More like one of the Midnight Sons. Because that looks like the visage of Zarathos in that little serving tray!

  3. I did not know that Kolchak had a comic book series. Whoever has the rights to the comic, I wish they would actually make a crossover comic series like many others have done. I think Kolchak could actually do good in a comic crossing over with the X-Files, Hellboy, the Midnight Sons (like Carycomic mentioned above), Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Dark Horse Comic's Ghost, Xena, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and so many others. Plus, if Kolchak became popular enough, who knows, maybe whoever has the rights will try to bring the character onto the movie screen. Though, I don't know who could ever replace Darrin McGavin.

  4. Actually, the burning skull makes me think more of that other Spirit of Vengeance, Ghost Rider -- though if that had been the intent, I think he would've at least been tagged in the Labels. We do still need those two (Spectre and Ghost Rider) to appear together -- perhaps next September 11?

    I also think that Ordinaryguy2's list would be a great resource for Kolchak team-ups on this blog. Dark Horse's Ghost hasn't been seen here in a while, so I think I'd start with her... though eventually I'd like to see him deal with Deadman.

    About the Arrowverse Spectre, I was disappointed that the producers couldn't get Emmett J. Scanlan to reprise the role, though they at least did acknowledge him with Constantine's line, "Another one I know!" But as far as Oliver taking up the Spectre mantle, I'm encouraged by two things: one, the green hood he's been sporting for the last few years is consistent with the Spectre's; and two, Charlie Schneider (Emergency Awesome on YouTube) shared a classic full-page panel (I wasn't sure whether it was a cover, splash page, or interior full-page panel) where the Spectre tells Batman, "You've failed this city!" I don't know if we'll see Stephen Amell shirtless for the finale, but I'm looking forward to him proclaiming, "Mobius! You have failed this multiverse!"

  5. Bob, Spectre and Ghost Rider met in STF #304 and again in STF #688.

  6. Argh!!! How could I not know that??? (Especially since I think you've pointed out to me before!)

    Still, it's been long enough that a re-meeting would not be unwelcome.

  7. Just based on his outfit alone I'd love to see Kolchak team up with the Seventh Doctor (Sylvester McCoy) or The Spirit.
    Or for an investigative duo. Kolchak and Rorshach!

  8. @BigMike20X6 - Kolchak and Rorschach? Yeah, that's the ticket!

  9. I would like to see Alex Ross' take on the Spectre. I love Jim A.'s work on him but that could be quite interesting.
    Kolchak has teamed up with a number of others, including Honey West and Sherlock Holmes.
    And, yes, I love this cover.

  10. Kolchak and "Batman 66" would be a good pairing.

  11. @the first anonymous: I think Moonstone Comics had the licensing rights (last I heard).

  12. P.S. @ Ross: how about Kolchak entering the House of Mystery? Or maybe even Kain (from "Legacy of...") entering the House of Secrets!

  13. I wouldn’t have been surprised if you had said this cover showed the Spectre (Jim Corrigan) with his brother, Secret Agent X9 (Phil Corrigan)

  14. Hyram H Horsefeathers IIJanuary 7, 2020 at 4:02 PM

    in the spirit of things, can Spectre work with Space Ghost or is that too much of a white out? A Ghost, Spectre and Vision walks into a bar and...things get Grimm.

  15. @Hyram: "Even a Yancy Streeter wouldn't stoop dat low at joke-tellin'!"

  16. I thought I had a ghost of a chance with it.

  17. @ det_Tobor: Kingdom Come for Alex Ross's Spectre

  18. Another Night Stalker crossover:

  19. @Scott, thanks. I don't think he ever put the Spectre on a cover. Did he?

    @Hyram, was that the Oblivion Bar? (ouch)

  20. I like that first idea! Not enough people are familiar with Dougal Dixon's work!

  21. Based on HHH's comment: Ghost, the Spirit, the Spectre, and the Phantom form a group together. Call it... the Phantasmic Four!

  22. @bob: The producers of that BBC show, where CGI creatures were coming from the far future (via randomly appearing wormholes), must have boned up on him.

  23. @Anonymous: you must mean PRIMEVAL.*

    *Ironically pronounced "Prime Evil."

  24. @det_tobor re: Alex Ross Spectre. Also cover of JSA #75. Just Google "Alex Ross Spectre" and go the to image tab. All kinds of portraits.

  25. @JayJohnson: my favorite was TJ Ross as Zatanna. ;-)

  26. @Jay Johnson many thanks for the directions. I usually love Alex's painted cover work but I wish he made Spectre less like Batman and more ethereal.

    @B. G. Spectre, Phantom, Space Ghost, Spirit, Ghost & Vision -- a new level to black ops.

  27. Ghost Rider and the Unknown Soldier? Ghost Rider in Disguise...yippeeio,yippiayyyy

  28. The real dire secret is that before Jim Corrigan became a detective, he invented the high heeled leg lamp, as a major award.

  29. Did Carl start the X Files, has he ever worked in the BPRD, or with the Midnight Sons? Does Carl text the Phantom Stranger?
