Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Falcon and Green Arrow

Arrow only has a couple of episodes left.  I'm sure that one will be a send off for Stephen Amell and his character Oliver Queen.  The other is supposed to be a back door pilot of sorts for the spin off show, Green Arrow and the Canaries, which will feature Queen's time-displaced daughter as the new Emerald Archer alongside two Black Canaries.  This sound like it will be straying a bit far from the DC Comics roots, but I will give it a shot an hope it surprises me.


  1. I just read that Mia's life will be totally different after changes from Crisis.

  2. Mia looks to be back in the future based on one youtuber. She has a ring that gives her memories back of the time before the crisis. How the Laurel character is going to be explained should be interesting.
    Love the word balloon on today's entry Ross.

  3. In the new timeline, Mia newer left the future (nor did William or Conner), and yes, her life was quite different, based on the synopsis on my Comcast Program Guide. I've also seen a report that, as indirectly hinted at the end of the COIE event, Laurel's Earth survived, though have no clue about whether she's staying on Earth-Prime or commuting back and forth. Whatever the case, we'll be finding out on this week's episode; that, as the penultimate episode, is the backdoor pilot. Next week's series finale is Oliver's final sendoff.

  4. Although it was just narration, apparently something like the '52' event happened after the Eath-Prime world building, as there is a new multiverse now. The Stargirl series is going to take place on Earth-2 with the Justice Society, and the Titans, Doom Patrol, and Swamp Thing series are all on separate Earths, there was a glimpse of OA from the HBO MAX Green Lantern series, and even the Chris Reeve/Brandon Routh Superman's Earth exists.

    And as I understand it, it was one of the other universe's version of the Monitor that screwed up and created the final Earth-Prime version of the Anti-Monitor.

    I remember all the discussions and arguments and flame wars back in 85/86 about what actually happened in COIE as Byrne re-booted Superman, Jason Todd switched origins, Wally became Flash, Perez re-booted Wonder Woman, etc. I hope (but seriously doubt) there won't be as much of it this time around.

    I have a feeling they will skip the huge cross-over next year with maybe just a couple of single-episode cross-overs between Supergirl/Clark&Lois, Legends/Canaries, Flash/Black Lightning, etc. But eventually Stargirl will have to meet Supergirl, and here we go again.

  5. Personally, I've become so disappointed with the writing on these shows, I wouldn't mind if it the Crisis On Insignificant Earths wiped out the entire Arrow multiverse for good!

  6. Green Arrow vs. The Falcon? I'm not a hundred percent sure. But, didn't someone request this particular confrontation two months or so back?

    1. Serious question.
    2. It wasn't me.


  7. Anonymous said...
    Personally, I've become so disappointed with the writing on these shows, I wouldn't mind if it the Crisis On Insignificant Earths wiped out the entire Arrow multiverse for good!
    January 19, 2020 at 11:51 AM

    Anonymous said...
    To all the predecessors it may concern:
    Like I said up top? COIE should just erase the entire CW multiverse for good!
    January 19, 2020 at 12:05 PM
    ** ** **

    @Anon, No thank you! Parallel Worlds have been used in TV stories at least since the early 1960s with Twilight Zone and Star Trek and Dark Shadows. Fans have no problem with telling Spock from bearded Spock or where each is from.

    Multi Earths can do great human drama also- look at Barry's experience on Earth 2 with his family's counterparts there. Also, look at the Black Siren and her change.

    Problem I see is how new timelines can screw things up so much. Pre and post Flashpoint timelines are so different..BUT we have never been in the original timeline to begin with.

    Eobard killed Barry's mom and Harrison Wells & his wife. It created a new corrupted time line. Eobard said the Star Lab machine was to go on line a few years later with it working correctly. He created a new timeline that never got corrected.
    ** **
    Possible best solution: use video games to teach lessons like parallel worlds. Movie audiences go back and spend a Billion dollars these days. That's a LOT of people going back to see a movie more than once.
    Video games can get people educated and comfortable with parallel worlds.

  8. @det_Tobor: Sorry. But, I have to side with Anon on this one.

  9. Just saw Batwoman and Supergirl after the Crisis. Both shows have multiple versions of one person now being there AND the think there are no more parallel Earths. Yes!!
    Things have just gotten a whole lot more interesting.

  10. Is Green Arrow referring a bit to Falcon's pet?; also today's Buzz Aldrin's 90th birthday, and it should be embraced, certainly more than a future obituary.

  11. @det_Tobor: that matches up with the post-52/pre-FlashPoint DCU where moving between multiverses was HARD, needing Monitor or Apokolyis level help (at least until Grant Morrison changed things again).

  12. GA's reply: "There's no Chance of that, Falconer."
