Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Captain America and The Atom In: "Murder By The Minute!"

The introduction of Ryan Choi in the CW's Crisis on Infinite Earths Crossover coupled with Brandon Routh's impending exit from DC's Legends of Tomorrow indicate that we will be seeing a passing of the Atom mantle sometime in the new year.  I'll miss Ray Palmer, but I hope that Choi makes more use of the Atom suit (or preferably, a more streamlined version of it) and it's size-changing capabilities.  Let's see an Atom that actually shrinks more than once a season!

Captain America teamed with the Golden Age Atom in STF #2597...


  1. Happy Superior New Year. Your idea for this cover is pure silver. This is a team up that would have worked in a NY minute.

    Unfortunately, rumors abound with this being Legends last season. Not great ratings with the poor characterization choices and not taking the show seriously enough.
    The idea that BR is out because he is now too expensive to have in the show is not a funny matter. His new Superman take was pure class.

    An interesting rumor is percolating: in the time after Convergence, it was Dr Manhattan that was responsible for imprisoning Mr Mxyzptlk, bringing Jor-el to current time and revamping time so that Clark, Lois had Jon on Earth and Perry was his godfather. Could Dr Manhattan be more powerful than fifth dimension magic? Could he have been responsible for all those things that were never unexplained (that I know of)?

  2. All I know for certain is that Chronos is going to have his clock cleaned by these two. But, good!

  3. One thing that Legends of Tomorrow did improve was Chronos. The original, which we see here, is merely a criminal who is obsessed with time and has a horrible fashion sense. On Legends, he was a dark, genuine threat, and looked the part. I think I would've preferred at least a few more obvious nods to this version in the costume design, but if the comics Chronos started to take a few cues from the TV version I think it'd be a good thing. (I'm not talking about a full conversion, mind you; just pull in a few elements, like better weaponry, a time-ship, and turning his costume into armor while keeping at least the green, yellow, and white of the color scheme.)

    On another angle, this is a very clever cover to have for New Year's Day. Given my choice, I think I would've done this one last night and given the text a New Year's Eve theme ("When the New Year chimes in, Captain America will be chiming out!"), but that's just me; there's nothing wrong with this.

    Back to Legends, this is the first I've heard of any rumors of this being their final season. At the least, I don't think the producers expected that when Osric Chau was cast for Ryan Choi; there's not much point in casting a replacement hero in such a large ensemble when the show's going away. Besides, what I've heard is that the show has done better with shortened seasons. If it does continue, though, I hope that future seasons back away a bit from the magical/supernatural season plots; Mallus and Neron have been fun, and what's been hinted at for this coming season looks like it may be interesting enough, but I'm not the only fan who would love for the Legends to go against the likes of the Time Trapper -- to say nothing of meeting Booster Gold, depositing Jonah Hex into his post-apocalyptic future (or rescuing him from same), and various other classic DC time-travel stuff.

  4. Great cover. Wonderful composition. Fun pair to team up. Is that a Timex or a Bulova?

  5. It's a Sony Huge-Man.

