Thursday, December 26, 2019

Captain Marvel and Sinestro

I'm still bummed that we will never see this version of Mar-Vell in the Marvel movies  Not using him and reducing his story line down to a few sentences uttered by Annette Bening is one of the few real missteps that the MCU has made to me.  Even if they had to gender-bend the character, I'd still like to have seen at least one scene with a de-aged Bening showing peak Mar-Vell in outer space action

As you can see from the cover above, this is only part One of a Two-Part Epic - so make sure you come back tomorrow for the thrilling conclusion!


  1. Just how many conflicts is Dr. Doom trying to instigate?

  2. All Marvel has to do is use Pepsodent toothpaste then Sinestro will 'wonder where the yellow went.'

  3. I don't think you're the only person who's expressed that desire for Mar-Vell in action, Ross, and Marvel Studios has shown a willingness and desire to listen to the fans, so you may just get your wish with a flashback in the second Captain Marvel movie.

    And Cary kind of has a point about the wars popping up... though what would be really scary would be any combination of Klyntars, Xenomorphs, Borg, and the robots from the Lost in Space reboot.

    Oh, here's a crazy idea to ponder, even if only hypothetically*: what if the Q that James Bond has been getting his gizmos from were to turn out to be the same Q from Star Trek: The Next Generation?

    *As if anything on this blog wasn't hypothetical -- to say nothing of the comics on which it's based....

  4. wasn't there a movie named "Q" as well about an Aztec dragon/God in New York City with David Carridine as cop???
    that Q should team up with Trek Q and Bond Q....
    just another one of my weird thoughts....
    Ross, you always do a Quick and Quintessential job on all your creative outpourings....
    thanks for what you do....

  5. Yeah, that's the version of Captain Marvel I grew up with, and a certain part of me thinks of him as the "real" Captain Marvel at Marvel. (While the real REAL Captain Marvel is Billy Batson. These are things that stick with me from early formative years.)

    But, at the same time, this version of Captain Marvel existed only from 1973 to 1982, and has been definitively dead since then. It's fair to think of him as a footnote -- I wish it were otherwise, but I can see how he is not particularly relevant to modern continuity. (Yes, I know Mar-Vell was around before 1973. However, it's Jim Starlin who gave us the revamped Mar-Vell in 1973, in terms of not just the hair, but the powers, personality, and mission. The Mar-Vell prior to Starlin was a rudderless generic superhero.)

  6. Even the Marvel Comics history of the Captain Marvel characters is so complex and twisty that it would be really burdensome if you tried to fit it into the MCU. Eliding them is really no different than the simplification they did to Captain America, with Steve Rogers being the only one to use the moniker between WWII and the "present", whatever year the end of Endgame is supposed to have taken place in, as well as Cap having been his only costumed identity.

    No. eliding all the other Captains Marvel, and the other identities of Carol Danvers is completely reasonable. Roy's hybridized Captain Atom meets Billy Batson rework of Mar-Vell was entertaining in its day, but it was fine to just keep it confined to print.

  7. Speaking of cute homagey hybridizing. It would be amusing to see a nod to The Life of Captain Marvel in the saga of the Danvers sisters. I mean with Carol Danvers being Car-Ell, daughter of Mari-Ell, and Kara Danvers being Kara, daughter of Zor-El, the whole saga of the House of El(l) is even twistier that it was when the twins showed up in your pages.

  8. @Jim Burrows and Ross: How about the Danvers sisters fighting over "Sinistro, Boy Fiend?"

  9. @jack-el: Speaking of abororiginal folklore(?) of the Americas, maybe next Christmas season could have Yzma (The Emperor's New Groove) be visiteed by the ghost of Mormon (the titular(?) character of The Book of Mormon (which was at least roughly the Bible, but set in the ancient Americas).

  10. @Jack-El: I just saw that movie, on IFC, last week. Michael Moriarty looked positively anorexic compared to his post-LAW AND ORDER self! But, I still remember that campy little classic with great fondness. Who knows? Maybe, instead of Yzma vs. Moroni (Joseph Smith's angelic guide, iirc), Ross could have Quetzalcoatl take on Godzilla. I can see it, now...

    "THE G/Q WAR!"

  11. to Anonymous above, i love your title pun and wish i had thought of it.....
    Kudos, sir....

  12. About the Marvels and the House of El, here's a thought I had some time ago.

    In original tellings, Krypton was a planet where mankind had evolved to its pinnacle; everyon there was stronger and faster than earthlings, owing to evolution more than anything else.

    Meanwhile, over at Marvel, Kree-Lar is a planet whose inhabitants are at an evolutionary dead end; they're all stronger and faster than earthlings, owing to their advanced evolutionary condition.

    My point: (golden age) Krypton and Kree-Lar are THE VERY SAME THING. Event he names are similar.

  13. Anonymous said...
    "About the Marvels and the House of El, here's a thought I had some time ago.

    In original tellings, Krypton was a planet where mankind had evolved to its pinnacle; everyon there was stronger and faster than earthlings, owing to evolution more than anything else.

    Meanwhile, over at Marvel, Kree-Lar is a planet whose inhabitants are at an evolutionary dead end; they're all stronger and faster than earthlings, owing to their advanced evolutionary condition.

    My point: (golden age) Krypton and Kree-Lar are THE VERY SAME THING. Event he names are similar."

    An interesting hypothesis...


    Another point about (Golden Age) Krypton: but there wasn't yet the idea that Krypton orbited a red sun: It was actually positioned in OUR solar system, as 'Counter-Earth' (which made the "rocketed to Earth" aspect more plausible , too).

  14. "Even the names are similar."

    Gotta disagree, dude. That's like saying lead and gold are similar simply because they're both spelled with four letters!
