Sunday, September 1, 2019

Katana Vs. Silver Samurai

The Silver Samurai always struck me as an imposing figure, I really liked the design of his armor.  It was cool to see him in live action in The Wolverine, even if it was a somewhat altered version.  Heck, he even retained his coolness when he faced off against John Belushi when Spider-Man met the original cast of Saturday Night Live in that classic issue of Marvel Team-Up.


  1. What is Katana wearing on her ankles? Something inspired by a Clydesdale's hoof? A tassle from a curtain rope? Or has she taken the Creeper's super serum?

    She's a great character, but that outfit!?!

  2. The Silver Samurai may have taught her everything SHE knows. But, to paraphrase what a lot of other super-villains have often said, I'm sure he didn't teach her everything HE knows!

    Then, again, I'm equally sure she didn't LEARN everything she knows from the Silver Samurai. To paraphrase the late, great Fred Rogers:

    "Can you say 'Batcave-based refresher course?' "

  3. P.S. @ Anonymous: I think they're trophies from Sabertooth. Talk about a hirsute henchman!

  4. This is sure to be a sworded tale. #BadPunNoCookie

    @Cary, re: "Bat-cave-based refresher course": That's pretty much what I was thinking. He may have taught her everything she knew when she left him, but she's learned new stuff since then, including (but not limited to) some Bat-tactics. In fact, the title could very well refer to the individual who taught those moves to Batman!

  5. Comment Deleted could not haveSeptember 1, 2019 at 3:01 PM

    "Lady Shiva taught me MORE!"

  6. @Comment semi-deleted: Debatable!

    Emphasis on the "bat." ;-)
